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<i>Liars and Outliers</i> News
From Schneier on Security

Liars and Outliers News

The Liars and Outliers webpage is live. On it you can find links to order both paper and e-book copies from a variety of online retailers, and signed copies directly...

Newly Released Papers from NSA Journals
From Schneier on Security

Newly Released Papers from NSA Journals

The papers are old, but they have just been released under FOIA.

Sending Coded Messages with Postage Stamps
From Schneier on Security

Sending Coded Messages with Postage Stamps

The history of coded messages in postage-stamp placement. I wonder how prevalent this actually was. My guess is that it was more a clever idea than an actual...

Allocating Security Resources to Protect Critical Infrastructure
From Schneier on Security

Allocating Security Resources to Protect Critical Infrastructure

Alan T. Murray and Tony H. Grubesic, "Critical Infrastructure Protection: The Vulnerability Conundrum," Telematics & Informatics, 29 (February 2012): 56

Applying Game Theory to Cyberattacks and Defenses
From Schneier on Security

Applying Game Theory to Cyberattacks and Defenses

Behzad Zare Moayedi, Mohammad Abdollahi Azgomi, "A Game Theoretic Framework for Evaluation of the Impacts of Hackers Diversity on Security Measures," Reliability...

Studying Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

Studying Airport Security

Alan A. Kirschenbaum, Michele Mariani, Coen Van Gulijk, Sharon Lubasz, Carmit Rapaport, and Hinke Andriessen, "Airport Security: An Ethnographic Study," Journal...

Tying Up Phone Lines as a Cyberattack Tactic
From Schneier on Security

Tying Up Phone Lines as a Cyberattack Tactic

There's a service that can be hired to tie up target phone lines indefinitely. The article talks about how this can be used as a diversionary tactic to mask a...

Hacking Marconi's Wireless in 1903
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Marconi's Wireless in 1903

A great story: Yet before the demonstration could begin, the apparatus in the lecture theatre began to tap out a message. At first, it spelled out just one word...

Butt Identification
From Schneier on Security

Butt Identification

Here's a new biometric: how you sit: ...researchers there developed a system that can recognize a person by the backside when the person takes a seat. The system...

The Collar Bomb Robbery
From Schneier on Security

The Collar Bomb Robbery

Really interesting story of the collar-bomb robbery -- and subsequent investigation -- from 2003.

Hacking Subway's POS System
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Subway's POS System

The story of how Subway's point-of-sale system was hacked for $3 million.

Merry Christmas from the TSA
From Schneier on Security

Merry Christmas from the TSA

Cupcakes deemed security threat: Rebecca Hains says she was going through security at the airport in Las Vegas when a TSA agent pulled her aside and said the cupcake...

Friday Squid Blogging: Goldman Sachs and the Vampire Squid Metaphor
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Goldman Sachs and the Vampire Squid Metaphor

It's a metaphor that will not die. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Santa Hacked
From Schneier on Security

Santa Hacked

Mildly amusing video.

Multiple Protocol Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Multiple Protocol Attacks

In 1997, I wrote about something called a chosen-protocol attack, where an attacker can use one protocol to break another. Here's an example of the same thing...

How to Open a Padlock with a  Coke Can
From Schneier on Security

How to Open a Padlock with a Coke Can

A nice tutorial on making and using shims to open padlocks.

Plasmonics Anti-Counterfeiting Technology
From Schneier on Security

Plasmonics Anti-Counterfeiting Technology

This could be interesting: NOtES exploits an obscure area of physics to accomplish its bright and sharp display, known as plasmonics. Light waves interact with...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Season
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Season

It's squid season off the coast of Southern California. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't...

Me Speaking on Cryptography in 1997
From Schneier on Security

Me Speaking on Cryptography in 1997

In 1997, I spoke at the Beyond HOPE Conference in New York. (HOPE stood for "Hackers Over Planet Earth.) A video of that talk is available online.

Cameo in a Rock Video
From Schneier on Security

Cameo in a Rock Video

At the 1:46 mark, you'll see my first cameo appearance in a transvestite-themed rock video.
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