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P&G Redefining Value
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Redefining Value

In Adage:  A piece on how P&G, Ford and Wendy's are redefining value. This may also be the time to better define the value involved so it can be readily inserted...

An App Enabled Innovation Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

An App Enabled Innovation Future

A followup on the GE - Quirky open innovation collaboration.  They hold a meeting on the App Enabled Future.   To perform 'Wink Product Evaluations' with a number...

GE and Open Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

GE and Open Innovation

Working with Quirky ... " ... Last week GE and Quirky announced a new partnership where GE will make some of its library of patents available as part of Quirky’s...

Data Debris
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Debris

A term new to me.  We re gathering more and more data.  Yet more than half of all data will never have any value to the enterprise.  But we don't yet know the identity...

P&G's Global Building Boom
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G's Global Building Boom

Excellent article in today's Cincinnati Enquirer.  The company is adding factories at a record rate while cutting costs elsewhere.  Includes employee data on 134...

About Police Shoot Outs and Spectators
From Schneier on Security

About Police Shoot Outs and Spectators

Hopefully this advice is superfluous for my audience, but it's so well written it's worth reading nonetheless: 7. SO, the bottom line is this: If you are in a...

Bendable Screens
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bendable Screens

In a broader study of how interactive screens could be used, we looked at bendable screens to improve shopper interactions, using packaging and other modes of communication...

Alternative to Amazon and Wal-Mart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alternative to Amazon and Wal-Mart

Hard to see how this would work ... selling things that Wal-Mart and Amazon do not.  But Fab is an attempt.  " ... "We’ll be pivoting towards a new model that we...

A Discussion of Redaction
From Schneier on Security

A Discussion of Redaction


Social Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Shopping

In GigaOm:  A mobile strategy for social shopping.  I took a short look at Modcloth some time ago.  Worth taking another look.  " ... what makes Modcloth unique...

Embracing Wallowing in the Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Embracing Wallowing in the Data

Michael Hurst has an interesting post:   About his team's agile approach to complex data and the need to be  'wallowing in the data'.  He is skeptical about the...

HealthCare Data Secure in the Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

HealthCare Data Secure in the Cloud

Conversations I have had on this topic indicate considerable fear of the cloud, especially in heavily regulated domains.  Here some useful thoughts on the subject...

The Boston Marathon Bomber Manhunt
From Schneier on Security

The Boston Marathon Bomber Manhunt

I generally give the police a lot of tactical leeway in times like this. The very armed and very dangerous suspects warranted extraordinary treatment. They were...

Google Glass to be Ad Free?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Glass to be Ad Free?

IN Technology Review:  Suggests that Google Glass aims to provide an ad free environment.  It is hard to believe that glass, or likely copycats, will not eventually...

Neuromarketing Legal and Policy Issues Whitepaper
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing Legal and Policy Issues Whitepaper

A Press release writes about a white paper that covers the legal and policy issues around neuromarketing.      Have not read it yet, but sounds like a useful piece...

David Cannadine, Alice Rawsthorn and Dave Coplin – videos to watch on the RSA site
From Putting People First

David Cannadine, Alice Rawsthorn and Dave Coplin – videos to watch on the RSA site

Common Humanity: Making ‘us vs. them’ history [20:09] Presentation at RSA on 14 March 2013 Sir David Cannadine, one of Britain’s most distinguished historians visits...

Me at the Berkman Center
From Schneier on Security

Me at the Berkman Center

Earlier this month I spent a week at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, talking to people about power, security, technology, and threats (details here...

Five reasons why kids need special user research
From Putting People First

Five reasons why kids need special user research

Sabina Idler, who runs a UX research company in Amsterdam, provides five reasons why kids need special attention when it comes to user research: 1. Kids form their...

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Bike Rack
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Bike Rack

It's the first on this page. Apparently this is the finished version of the design I blogged about last year. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk...

How Facebook design researchers evaluate the first-time user experience
From Putting People First

How Facebook design researchers evaluate the first-time user experience

Chris Dannen, the editor of Co.Labs at FastCompany, sat down with Facebook UX Researcher Marco De Sa to learn his thoughts on enticing first-time users. The interview...
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