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Communications of the ACM



Applied Visual Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Applied Visual Analytics

Attended the Tableau Software's roadshow this morning to get an overview of Tableau 8.   Nicely done update,  especially with the ability to do more complex operations...

Are Parents Supporters or a Challenge for Computer Science in K-12?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Are Parents Supporters or a Challenge for Computer Science in K-12?

As a K-12 Computer science teacher I am often presented with different challenges and they all vary depending on the grade level. Most of the time when we think...

CGAP CEO: Human-centered design for the Base of the Pyramid
From Putting People First

CGAP CEO: Human-centered design for the Base of the Pyramid

Tilman Ehrbeck, CEO of CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, affiliated with the Worldbank), writes about how his organization has used human-centered...

The irony of “we are the 99 percent”
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The irony of “we are the 99 percent”

David Graeber is credited (by himself) as the true organizer of the Occupy Wall Street movement, a widely reported month-long demonstration against capitalism....

BIG Projects
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

BIG Projects

I’ve been trying some different things this year. One experiment was to assign my C# students (this is a second programming course for most of them) to modify a...

From Computational Complexity

The Golden Ticket

Today is the official publication date of my first book The Golden Ticket: P, NP and the Search for the Impossible by Princeton University Press, though the book...

UC Analytics Summit 2013
From The Eponymous Pickle

UC Analytics Summit 2013

" ... Analytics Summit 2013  will be held on May 31, 8:15AM-5:00PM at the University of Cincinnati. Analytics Summit 2013 is the premiere analytics event of the...

Morphological Analysis for Wicked Problem Solving
From The Eponymous Pickle

Morphological Analysis for Wicked Problem Solving

A morphology is a set of structures that are used to define a category.  It is often used in one of my interest areas: Botany.  See the image on the right, where...

Measuring Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

Measuring Advertising

From the Penn Customer Analytics Initiative: Innovative Approaches to Measuring Advertising Effectivness.  Includes some of my favorite topics, like emotional response...

Diagnosing Expression
From The Eponymous Pickle

Diagnosing Expression

In CACM: On diagnosing Depression.  " ... Automatic systems that analyze gestures and facial expressions might improve the challenging task of diagnosing depression...

Interaction Between Robots and Jobs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Interaction Between Robots and Jobs

Do robots net create or remove jobs?  What are the classification of jobs that are lost and won?  " ... A new class of industrial robot is appearing. These robots...

Because We Are a Community
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Because We Are a Community

I believe it is only human nature that, when something terrible happens at a distance from us, we immediately ask ourselves "Are our people there? Are they safe"...

Book: Hidden in Plain Sight (by Jan Chipchase)
From Putting People First

Book: Hidden in Plain Sight (by Jan Chipchase)

Hidden in Plain Sight: How to Create Extraordinary Products for Tomorrow’s Customers by Jan Chipchase Harper Collins Publishers April 2013 256 pages (Amazon link)...

USACM Comments on Ways to Improve Quality of Software-Related Patents
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Comments on Ways to Improve Quality of Software-Related Patents

The ACM U.S. Public Policy Council submitted comments to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office yesterday in response to its request for recommendations on how the...

Initial Thoughts on the Boston Bombings
From Schneier on Security

Initial Thoughts on the Boston Bombings

I rewrote my "refuse to be terrorized" essay for the Atlantic. David Rothkoph (author of the great book Power, Inc.) wrote something similar, and so did John Cole...

Ericcsson Acquires MS Mediaroom
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ericcsson Acquires MS Mediaroom

Interesting because I have worked with variants of the media room idea for years.  Much more at the link.  " ... Mediaroom is the leading platform for video distribution...

Videos online of March 2013 Healthcare Experience Design conference
From Putting People First

Videos online of March 2013 Healthcare Experience Design conference

On March 25, the Healthcare Experience Design (HxD) conference took place in Boston. Speakers discussed how human centered design and design thinking can improve...

Opening Keynote: Todd Gebhart, Co-President McAfee Inc. (Summary)
From CERIAS Blog

Opening Keynote: Todd Gebhart, Co-President McAfee Inc. (Summary)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Summary by Gaspar Modelo-Howard The Changing Security Landscape Why do we, as cybersecurity professionals, go to work each day? Mr. Gebhart...

OSI Open Source Community Summit
From Wild WebMink

OSI Open Source Community Summit

Reblogged from Meshed Insights & Knowledge: The License Clinic for US Federal Agencies is not the only new departure for the Open Source Initiative this May. OSI...

FBI and Cell Phone Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

FBI and Cell Phone Surveillance

We're learning a lot about how the FBI eavesdrops on cell phones from a recent court battle.
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