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Communications of the ACM



Allerton Part 2 : Venue Change?
From My Biased Coin

Allerton Part 2 : Venue Change?

Yesterday, I thought the best talks I saw were by Devavrat Shah and Dina Katabi.Dev was talking about how to track where rumors start.  The model is you have aproject...

Allerton 2011
From My Biased Coin

Allerton 2011

I woke up at an absurdly early hour this morning to get on a plane and go to the Allerton conference.  I'm giving a talk this afternoon on Invertible Bloom Lookup...

Set Competition
From My Biased Coin

Set Competition

As an applied probability exercise, I had my class compute empirically the probability of a game failing on the nth round for the game of Set.  (See my previous...

Beyond Worst Case Analysis Workshop
From My Biased Coin

Beyond Worst Case Analysis Workshop

I'm just off a plane coming home from the Beyond Worst Case Analysis Workshop at Stanford.  It went really well, and I really enjoyed it.I think a variety of things...

Guest Post on NYCE (Giorgos Zervas)
From My Biased Coin

Guest Post on NYCE (Giorgos Zervas)

GUEST POST by GIORGOS ZERVAS I was at NYCE 2011 this past Friday. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and productive experience. I feel like I got a conference's worth...

Visiting the East Coast: CMU and Strata New York
From The Noisy Channel

Visiting the East Coast: CMU and Strata New York

Travels and Teaching
From My Biased Coin

Travels and Teaching

I'll be at the Beyond Worst Case Analysis workshop next week, and Allerton the week after.  For each, I'll have to miss a class.  I also have some other travels...

This Week, I Am Part of an Internet Meme
From My Biased Coin

This Week, I Am Part of an Internet Meme

My frequent co-authors John Byers, Giorgos Zervas, and I posted an extended version of a current submission to the arxiv (as people do), which showed up last Friday...

SODA Accepts -- The Count
From My Biased Coin

SODA Accepts -- The Count

People in various have been noting the SODA accepts, but nobody has been talking about the numbers.  I count 138 papers accepted.  I can't find now how many submissions...

Rabin's Birthday Celebration
From My Biased Coin

Rabin's Birthday Celebration

While I was not blogging, we spent the few days before the semester started with an 80th birthday workshop for Michael Rabin.  Impressively, we were able to pull...

Blogging Again?
From My Biased Coin

Blogging Again?

My thoughts that I would blog more over the summer, during academic "down time", turned out more of a fiction than I would have thought.  The summer proved remarkably...

A Different 9/11: Happy Birthday, Endeca!
From The Noisy Channel

A Different 9/11: Happy Birthday, Endeca!

Attention CMU Students!
From The Noisy Channel

Attention CMU Students!

As many of you know, I’m a proud alumnus of the CMU School of Computer Science

Dream. Fit. Passion.
From The Noisy Channel

Dream. Fit. Passion.

A few days ago, our CEO Jeff Weiner led a session at LinkedIn on how to “close” candidates — that is, how to persuade candidates to join your team once you have...

From My Biased Coin


Got a note from the ACM that SIGCOMM is being live Webcast the next few days.  (I'm not in Toronto for it -- hello to everyone who is!) A simple click and I'm listening...

Retiring a Great Interview Problem
From The Noisy Channel

Retiring a Great Interview Problem

Interviewing software engineers is hard. Jeff Atwood bemoans how difficult it is to find candidates who can write code. The tech press sporadically publishes “best”...

Fun Links, via Google+
From My Biased Coin

Fun Links, via Google+

One fun aspect of being on Google+ is occasionally a link comes along worth further notice.The first, from David Karger, is a link to a report (by Democrats, says...

Upcoming Information Retrieval Conferences
From The Noisy Channel

Upcoming Information Retrieval Conferences

I hope everyone who attended the recent SIGIR 2011 in Beijing had an excellent experience. I didn’t manage to make it to that side of the globe myself, but I’m...

Attention vs. Privacy
From The Noisy Channel

Attention vs. Privacy

A major feature of the recently released Google+ is Circles, which allows you to “share relevant content with the right people, and follow content posted by people...

From My Biased Coin


Early in the week, I was excited to find out that, apparently, it was perfectly appropriate for us professors to call (at least, already graduated) students assholes...
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