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How to send a real number using a single bit (and some shared randomness)
From My Biased Coin

How to send a real number using a single bit (and some shared randomness)

In this post, we'll look at the natural problem of how to communicate an estimate of a real value in [0,1], using just 1 bit.  The post is based on this paper (by...

Networking+Theory Postdoc at Harvard
From My Biased Coin

Networking+Theory Postdoc at Harvard

The last couple of years one aspect of research I've greatly enjoyed is getting back into networking, which is really due to my excellent (and patient) collaborators...

Harvard Shopping Period, Here We Go Again
From My Biased Coin

Harvard Shopping Period, Here We Go Again

I was looking at today's Harvard Crimson, and noted that Harvard's shopping period looks ready to be vanished again.  Shopping period is that wonderful Harvardsomething...

Queues with Small Advice
From My Biased Coin

Queues with Small Advice

I have had papers rejected, with comments of the form that the results seem too easy, and are at the level of a homework assignment.  Generally, I think these reviewers...

Machine Learning for Algorithms Workshop (July 13-14)
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Machine Learning for Algorithms Workshop (July 13-14)

We're having an online workshop on "Machine Learning for Algorithms" on July 13-14, with a great group of speakers.  Announcement below, link at

ADAPT:  Designing Activity-Informed Viral Diagnostic Assays
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ADAPT: Designing Activity-Informed Viral Diagnostic Assays

I wanted to give a pointer to a new preprint up on bioRxiv on developing diagnostic assays for viruses, by (first author) Hayden Metsky (and others!) out of the...

TCS Connections Questionnaire
From My Biased Coin

TCS Connections Questionnaire

I wanted to link to a survey that is up entitled Committee on TCS Connections Questionnaire.  They are examining modifying approaches to publishing in the theoretical...

Broad Testing Thank You
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Broad Testing Thank You

 I have a loose association with the Broad Institute, an institute created so that "complementary expertise of the genomic scientists and the chemical biologists...

STOC Workshop on "Algorithms with Predictions"
From My Biased Coin

STOC Workshop on "Algorithms with Predictions"

The STOC workshop on Algorithms with Predictions was on Friday, and I thought it went really well!  I can't speak for my talk, but the other 3 talks (Tim Roughgarden...

Writing Code for a Paper :  A Note to Students
From My Biased Coin

Writing Code for a Paper : A Note to Students

This post both relates to some of the stuff I'll be presenting at Friday's STOC workshop on Algorithms with Predictions, but is also for future students in my classes...

Algorithms with Predictions:  Survey and Workshop
From My Biased Coin

Algorithms with Predictions: Survey and Workshop

There's a whole new, interesting theory trend  -- Algorithms with Predictions.  The idea, spurred by advances in machine learning, is that you assume you have predictor...

CATCS Visioning Workshop
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CATCS Visioning Workshop

Reposting an important call -- these events have had big impact in the past! The CATCS will be hosting a virtual “Visioning Workshop” the week of July 20 in order...

Current CS 124 Stats
From My Biased Coin

Current CS 124 Stats

This is as much personal recording for me (and perhaps of interest to Harvard people who read the blog).  But also putting the numbers here for others to know for...

ITCS 2020, Reflections
From My Biased Coin

ITCS 2020, Reflections

I've spent Sunday/Monday at ITCS, or Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, where I am giving a talk on this paper on Scheduling with Prediction and the Price...

Allston :  Students Should Speak Up
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Allston : Students Should Speak Up

I have had (as is pretty usual for me) some number of lunches with students this semester, and many of them asked me about the Computer Science move to Allston....

Crimson Editorial on Allston
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Crimson Editorial on Allston

This was the first Crimson editorial I can recall about the upcoming move computer science will be making to Allston next year. I'd encourage students (both undergraduate...

Harvard Admissions Lawsuit Decision Out
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Harvard Admissions Lawsuit Decision Out

As someone who reads a significant number of court documents and decisions (I still do expert witness work), I can recommend for your reading pleasure the very....

Changing Times
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Changing Times

An old friend from college sent me an e-mail, and it got me thinking.  When I was an undergraduate at Harvard some significant number of years ago, I took the graduate...

Off to ALGO/ESA 2019
From My Biased Coin

Off to ALGO/ESA 2019

I'm shortly hopping on a plane to head to ALGO/ESA.  I'll be giving a survey-ish talk on Learning Augmented Algorithms, covering my work so far in the area as well...

Happy New Academic Year:  Teaching Randomized Algorithms
From My Biased Coin

Happy New Academic Year: Teaching Randomized Algorithms

It seems I haven't written on this blog for a while.Today was the start of a new semester.  I'll be teaching Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis, using...
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