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How to Deal with Post-truthism
From Blog@Ubiquity

How to Deal with Post-truthism

The very definition of post-truth implies rejecting fact-based logic. Too few possess the skill of distinguishing between self-serving claims, and reliable, well...

Insider Attacks Are A Bigger and Harder Threat?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Insider Attacks Are A Bigger and Harder Threat?

There is a new trend apparently emerging to defend against data loss and data damage as a result of external hacking. Some organizations have been removing their...

The end of ICE is near – or not?
From Blog@Ubiquity

The end of ICE is near – or not?

The internal combustion engine (ICE) has reigned supreme for over 100 years, but prognosticators are predicting its demise over the next few decades – or NOT, depending...

Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype
From Blog@Ubiquity

Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype

Data analytics is the new buzz phrase these days. Public service agencies all over the world are looking at data in order to optimize service delivery, as wellelectricity...

Dealing with Infrastructure Disruption: IoT Security
From Blog@Ubiquity

Dealing with Infrastructure Disruption: IoT Security

Congress should incentivize universities and industry to partner to build security into Internet of Things (IoT) devices by design. The post Dealing with Infrastructure...

Your Science T-Shirt Doesn’t Fly
From Blog@Ubiquity

Your Science T-Shirt Doesn’t Fly

A few months ago Science sent many people a sample of the magazine and a solicitation to subscribe. As seems to be the manner in which these things are done, there...

The Funny Side of Science
From Blog@Ubiquity

The Funny Side of Science

Some people have the strange idea that science is too straight-laced to be funny. These people are not scientists. True scientists love to tell jokes about themselves...

Can Chatbots Replace Customer Service Reps?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Can Chatbots Replace Customer Service Reps?

Chatbots may be good at cosumer-focused tasks, but the verdict is still out are not whether a chatbot can completely replace human assistants. The post Can Chatbots...

Can a Rubiks Cube Teach You Programming?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Can a Rubiks Cube Teach You Programming?

Em Rubik invented the Rubik’s Cube in 1974 and it became the worlds most popular puzzle. The cube consists of 26 cubelets that move and turn when the faces areRead...

My Robot Wants Your Job—No
From Blog@Ubiquity

My Robot Wants Your Job—No

Although AI technology is posed to disrupt jobs, there isn't any real cause for alarm. The future of work doesn't mean we will be ruled by robot overlords. The...

My Robot Wants Your Job—YES
From Blog@Ubiquity

My Robot Wants Your Job—YES

Robots could redefine the future of work, but what does that mean for the jobs that are displaced? Could a tax on labor-replacing technology be the answer? TheMy...

Does Someone Have to Die First?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Does Someone Have to Die First?

Digital technology changes fast, and organizations change slowly: First using the technology as an automated, digitized version of the old way of doing things,Read...

Can Mankind Survive Scientific Illiteracy?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Can Mankind Survive Scientific Illiteracy?

Science is not taught as science at all. Students are taught how to do science, but not what science actually is. They suffer from scientific illiteracy. The post...

Test Early and Often
From Blog@Ubiquity

Test Early and Often

Developing software requires a mix of analytical and creative approaches, involving different types of people who have different blends of thinking. But how can...

An Evolutionary Singularity
From Blog@Ubiquity

An Evolutionary Singularity

The drumbeats of the singularity advocates is getting louder with the constant refrain that humanity is doomed at the hands of machine intelligence. Although their...

Spike those “Luddite” Awards: Not all innovation is good
From Blog@Ubiquity

Spike those “Luddite” Awards: Not all innovation is good

Luddites attacking powered looms, 1812 (Source: Wikimedia Commons) The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) published its annual “Luddite Awards...

Your Smartphone Can Kill You
From Blog@Ubiquity

Your Smartphone Can Kill You

Niall McCarthy of uses data from Priceonomics to define a new category of accidental death by smart phone—the “selfie-fatality.” Forty-nine peopleRead...

Tim Cook at the Pearly Gates
From Blog@Ubiquity

Tim Cook at the Pearly Gates

By now almost everything that can be said about the Apple-FBI riff has been said. The FBI wants to open the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone and Apple’s CEO Tim...

Is the End Near for the Apple iPhone?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Is the End Near for the Apple iPhone?

Alphabet recently became the largest company based on its market capitalization, squeezing out Apple for the number one spot of all-time successful companies. Perhaps...

The Backdoor is a Victory for Terrorists
From Blog@Ubiquity

The Backdoor is a Victory for Terrorists

When authorities realized the Paris terrorists used strong encryption to send messages to one another they went off the encryption deep end. Now, many nations are...
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