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Communications of the ACM



Harvard Junior Faculty Job Search
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Harvard Junior Faculty Job Search

Harvard Computer Science is doing a junior faculty search this year.  We pretty much have been doing one every year, but it's nice to be able to make an announcement...

Cuckoo Filters
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Cuckoo Filters

An upcoming paper appearing at CoNext will be of interest to any Bloom Filter user or aficionado:Cuckoo Filter:  Practically Better than Bloom(Bin Fan, David Andersen...

Andreessen-Horowitz Again
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Andreessen-Horowitz Again

Andreessen Horowitz had a second Academic Roundtable, gathering together academics, VCs, and people in startups to talk for a few days about a variety of topics...

On Academia vs. Industry....  MSR SVC Closing
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On Academia vs. Industry.... MSR SVC Closing

I'm one of those professor types that ends up defending the joys of life as an academic versus a career in industry -- some of you who read this blog have probably...

Simultaneous Enrollment
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Simultaneous Enrollment

The Crimson has an op-ed on simultaneous enrollment, that I agree with.Harvard does not like simultaneous enrollment, which means a student taking two classes...

From My Biased Coin


Preliminary course enrollment numbers are in.  Our new theory course, CS 125 (rapid introduction to theory), has 32 undergrads and 5 others, for an enrollment of...

You Can Rename My Family for.....
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You Can Rename My Family for.....

An interesting article in today's Crimson about the background to the announcement that Harvard's School of Public Health will be re-named the Harvard T. H. Chan...

Teaching Sorting
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Teaching Sorting

For many years now, while teaching the introductory Algorithms and Data Structures, I have told students that we won't be starting with (or really covering) sorting...

Shout-out to Sabeti Lab
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Shout-out to Sabeti Lab

A shout-out today to my friend and colleague Pardis Sabeti (and her lab) for their Science article on the Ebola virus that appeared earlier today.  Pardis and her...

Update on SOCG and ACM
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Update on SOCG and ACM

I am happy to have an update on the SOCG/STOC colocation issue that arose last week.  Or, better said, Jeff Erickson has an update, the short summary of which is...

New Article on arxiv on Equitability and MIC
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New Article on arxiv on Equitability and MIC

We recently put on arxiv a new draft on "Theoretical Foundations of Equitability and the Maximal Information Coefficient".  This is some follow-on work to a paper...

Is the ACM "Retaliating" Against SOCG?
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Is the ACM "Retaliating" Against SOCG?

Friday afternoon Jeff Erickson posted at Making SOCG blog some "bad news".  Some background:  very recently, the Symposium on Computational Geometry, or SoCG, decided...

Hashing Summer School
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Hashing Summer School

Back in July I took part in the Hashing Summer School in Copenhagen.  This was nominally set up by me, Rasmus Pagh, and Mikkel Thorup, though Mikkel was reallycourse...

Reviewing Scales
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Reviewing Scales

I'm just about finished reviewing for CoNEXT (Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies), and am starting reviewing for ITCS (Innovations in...

Back to Work
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Back to Work

Harvard classes start up in a few weeks, and officially, my sabbatical is over.  I'm back in my office, trying to get back into a Harvard routine.I notice thatAnalysis...

See You in Prague
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See You in Prague

For those of you going to SPAA this coming week, I'll see you there.  I'll be giving the last two talks at the conference, to what I expect (based on the timing)...

NSF Thanks for the Year
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NSF Thanks for the Year

It's that time of year where, as a background process, I have to do my annual reviews for the NSF.  It's generally not a very exciting task, and their online forms...

Sad News:  Berthold Vöcking
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Sad News: Berthold Vöcking

I have just seen the news that Berthold Vöcking passed away.  For those who didn't know him, Berthold was an oustanding researcher in algorithms.  We had several...

Child Geniuses and Other Articles
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Child Geniuses and Other Articles

Stuck on a flight home, I passed time reading a hotel copy of the Wall Street Journal, to find more interesting things than I would have thought.What first caught...

ITCS 2015
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ITCS 2015

I was asked to announce the call for ITCS.  Here is a link to the call for papers, with the most important info:ITCS (previously known as ICS) seeks to promote...
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