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Google Follow Finder
From The Noisy Channel

Google Follow Finder

I know there’s lots of interesting stuff coming out at the Chirp Twitter developer conference this week, and I’m still catching up on it all. But I am happy to...

Deadline to Register for HCIR Challenge
From The Noisy Channel

Deadline to Register for HCIR Challenge

If you are interested in participating in the HCIR Challenge, please let me know as soon as possible–and in any case by April 30th. The New York Times and the LDC...

What's the Co-Author Line?
From My Biased Coin

What's the Co-Author Line?

Continuing the past discussion on authorship issues, I've been considering the questions: at what point has a person involved in the project done so little work...

Crimson Article on Women in Computer Science
From My Biased Coin

Crimson Article on Women in Computer Science

From a few days ago: Computer Science at Harvard Sees Large Gender ImbalanceIt's listed as a news article, although I don't think this is news.  It is something...

HCIR 2010: An Update
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2010: An Update

I hope a number of you are planning to participate in the HCIR 2010 workshop! Here is a quick update: Program Committee chair Rob Capra has assembled a program...

More on Authorship
From My Biased Coin

More on Authorship

My last post, on what I called "60-40" papers, where one author does non-trivially more of the work than the other(s), seems to have generated some interesting"Author...

Fernanda Vi
From The Noisy Channel

Fernanda Vi

This just in: Fernanda Vi

Go TunkRank!
From The Noisy Channel

Go TunkRank!

I haven’t talked much about TunkRank in the past months, largely because Jason Adams, who stepped up to the TunkRank Implementation Challenge last year, has been...

Build Your Own NYT Linked Data Application
From The Noisy Channel

Build Your Own NYT Linked Data Application

Regular readers may recall hearing about the New York Times Annotated Corpus (which is the basis for the HCIR Challenge), and decision to publish their tags as Linked...

60-40 papers
From My Biased Coin

60-40 papers

A recent paper I worked on was a 60-40 paper.  That's what I call it when one of the authors does noticeably more of the work.  Really, it could be a 70-30 paper...

Sexual Harassment Policies (Yale v. Harvard)
From My Biased Coin

Sexual Harassment Policies (Yale v. Harvard)

My brother, in what I assume is a blatant attempt to be mentioned in this blog (Hi Steve!!!), sent me a link to the following article about a new rule (or, as...

NSF Review Issues
From My Biased Coin

NSF Review Issues

My understanding is that the turnaround time on NSF decisions should be approximately 6 months.  (See, for instance, their own diagram of the review process.) ...

Guest Post: Information Retrieval Using a Bayesian Model of Learning and Generalization
From The Noisy Channel

Guest Post: Information Retrieval Using a Bayesian Model of Learning and Generalization

Dinesh Vadhia, CEO and founder of “item search” company Xyggy, has been an active member of the Noisy Community for at least a year, and it is with pleasure that...

Energy Sustainability
From My Biased Coin

Energy Sustainability

I spent an entertaining hour this afternoon listening to David MacKay of Cambridge (UK) give a talk about the Future of Energy here at Harvard.  I've mentionedAmazon...

Get Unvarnished!
From The Noisy Channel

Get Unvarnished!

Earlier this week, I read about Unvarnished on TechCrunch and was extremely curious about this “Yelp for LinkedIn” making a bold play in the online reputation space...

Two Inspiring Posts
From My Biased Coin

Two Inspiring Posts

Inspiring me to blog, that is....Matt blogs about the psychology of program committees.  It's one of those things that would be funny except that it's true.  So...

CFP: HCIR 2010
From The Noisy Channel

CFP: HCIR 2010

The 4th Annual Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR 2010) will be held in conjunction with the IIiX 2010 conference in New Brunswick...

Want a Quora Invite?
From The Noisy Channel

Want a Quora Invite?

I have 10 invites for Quora, a social search site launched earlier this year by a bunch of ex-Facebookers (including former CTO Adam D

The Evolution of Social Search
From The Noisy Channel

The Evolution of Social Search

Earlier this week, I had the good fortune to attend the New York Semantic Web Meetup, which featured three excellent presentations. I’ll confess that I primarily...

New Toys from Hunch
From The Noisy Channel

New Toys from Hunch

I’ve been following Hunch for a while, and my impression has evolved from the
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