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Breaking news: HTML+CSS is Turing complete
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Breaking news: HTML+CSS is Turing complete

A programming language is Turing complete if it equivalent to a Turing machine. In practice, it means that any algorithm can be implemented. Most programming languages...

Jobless recovery, the luddite fallacy and the 4-hour workweek
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Jobless recovery, the luddite fallacy and the 4-hour workweek

The luddite fallacy says that as innovation destroys jobs, just as many new jobs are created. The logic is that increased productivity causes prices to fall, which...

Innovation and model boundaries
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Innovation and model boundaries

When designing an information system, a piece of software or a law, experts work from a model. This model must have boundaries. When these boundaries are violated...

Social Media is subversive, but maybe not how you think
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Social Media is subversive, but maybe not how you think

Back in 2005, Shirky argued that the Social Web offered an alternative to organizations. Working collaboratively has never been easier. And the innovation is ongoing...

Taking Scientific Publishing to the Next Level
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Taking Scientific Publishing to the Next Level

Scientific publishing is wasteful. We spend much time perfecting irrelevant papers to get them through peer review. Meanwhile, important papers—that thousands of...

China: the new Scientific Superpower?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

China: the new Scientific Superpower?

From my experience,  the quality and the quantity of the scientific research articles from China has been increasing dramatically in the last five years. To verify...

Not Even Eventually Consistent
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Not Even Eventually Consistent

Many databases engines ensure consistency: at any given time, the database state is logically consistent. For example, even if you receive purchase requests by...

Turning vanity publishing on its head
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Turning vanity publishing on its head

It has never been easier to self-publish a book: Amazon has CreateSpace which offers a print-on-demand service and an ISBN if you want one. Self-publishing on the...

On the monetary value of an education, and bad statistics
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

On the monetary value of an education, and bad statistics

The case that education pays is often made by compare the income of people who graduated against the people who did not. The result is compelling: (Source: U.S....

Book review: Statistical Analysis with R
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Book review: Statistical Analysis with R

The programming language R is a standard for statisticians. And it is free software which runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can learn much online about R, but...

Innovating without Permission
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Innovating without Permission

Is open source software is better than closed-source software? Is wikipedia better than Britannica? Is NoSQL better than Oracle and SQL Server? Are blogs better...

Demarchy and probabilistic algorithms
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Demarchy and probabilistic algorithms

Demarchy are political systems built using randomness. Demarchy has been used to designate political leaders in Ancient Greece and in France (during the French...

Our Institutions are Limited by the Pre-digital Technology
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Our Institutions are Limited by the Pre-digital Technology

Much of our institutions are limited by the pre-digital technology: (1) It is difficult to constantly re-edit a paper book; (2) without computers, global trade...

So, you want to be a mad scientist?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

So, you want to be a mad scientist?

Exceptional scientists are often a bit crazy: Kurt G

If human population grew at the pace of computer storage
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

If human population grew at the pace of computer storage

Between 1990 and 2010, the cost of one megabyte of disk storage went from $9 to $0.00015. Had the human population followed a similar growth, there would be 300...

Five surprising changes in 2010
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Five surprising changes in 2010

I was among the first Canadians to own a Kindle. I justified my purchase as “research”. The Kindle was not satisfying for anything but fiction and I predicted it...

Make your own programmable digital thermometer in an hour
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Make your own programmable digital thermometer in an hour

I make my own yogourt because I cannot stand commercial yogourt. You can make your own yogourt in less than 30 mintues: heat milk to 112F (34C), mix in a small...

For Your In-memory Databases, Do You Really Need an Index?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

For Your In-memory Databases, Do You Really Need an Index?

For large data sets on disk, indexes are often essential. However, if your data fits in RAM, indexes are often unnecessary. They may even be harmful. Consider a...

The Rise of Scientific Journalism
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The Rise of Scientific Journalism

Dissidents from the Wikileaks have founded a competing organization called OpenLeaks. This new organization would differ from Wikileaks in two important ways: (1)...

A taxonomy for the suppression of dissent
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

A taxonomy for the suppression of dissent

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard about Wikileaks. Along with several newspapers, Wikileaks has been releasing confidential diplomatic documents for...
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