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The Smartest Kids in the World: stories from Finland, Poland and South Korea
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The Smartest Kids in the World: stories from Finland, Poland and South Korea

I have always been interested in what makes us smart. So I read Amanda Ripley’s The Smartest Kids in the World in almost a single sitting. She is a good writer....

Academia as an ‘anxiety machine’
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Academia as an ‘anxiety machine’

We learned recently of the suicide of Stefan Grimm, a successful professor at the prestigious Imperial College in London. Professors Grimm regularly published highly...

When bad ideas will not die: from classical AI to Linked Data
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

When bad ideas will not die: from classical AI to Linked Data

Back in the 1970s, researchers astutely convinced governments that we could build intelligent systems out of reasoning engines. Pure logic would run the day. These...

Perfectionism is not the same as having high standards
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Perfectionism is not the same as having high standards

A lot of what I do is… quite frankly… not very good. To put it differently, almost everything I do fails to meet my quality standards. So I am constantly fighting...

Why competitive people are often dumb and boring
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Why competitive people are often dumb and boring

People who work hard are typically motivated by either their performance (i.e., they want to look good) or their mastery (i.e., they like being good at their craft)...

The hubris of teachers
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The hubris of teachers

Today, kids left and right carry the label of some learning disability. Instead of telling kids that they are dumb or lazy, we narrow it down to some problem. It...

Forcefully boring young people is necessary…
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Forcefully boring young people is necessary…

In many schools, a fifth of all boys are prescribed Amphetamine-related drugs because they have been diagnosed with an attention deficit. But these pills are not...

Bricolage by smart people
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Bricolage by smart people

Scientific research is fundamentally about learning, about trial and error. Luck and unplanned interactions are a central part of it. Thus research cannot be planned...

Having your cat declawed means having its fingers amputated
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Having your cat declawed means having its fingers amputated

There are many simple facts that totally escape me for years. For example, though I took biology in college and I knew that plants were made of carbon through photosynthesis...

Coffee is probably not killing your productivity
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Coffee is probably not killing your productivity

A recent Slate articles warns that coffee makes you less productive. The main claim is that coffee has no cognition enhancement ability but, instead, a range of...

The week-end freedom test
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The week-end freedom test

In an earlier post, I compared life in academia with life in industry. One recurring argument to favour an academic job over an industry job is freedom. Of course...

Academia or industry?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Academia or industry?

I have done three things after my Ph.D.: I have been a (permanent/regular) researcher in a major government laboratory; I have been an entrepreneur in industry...

Referendums and sovereignty
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Referendums and sovereignty

In a few weeks, the Scots will get to vote to determine whether Scotland becomes its own country. As a middle aged Quebecker, I spent much of my youth hearing about...

Transemployment: creating jobs out of thin air
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Transemployment: creating jobs out of thin air

Back in the eighties, half of the 16-year-old teenagers were licensed drivers in the US. Evidently, things have changed. Driving is still important, but other activities...

Paper books are the new vinyl records
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Paper books are the new vinyl records

I have always loved reading. But it is a love that has been constantly frustrated. As a young teenager, I would spend days in the library, but I quickly exhausted...

Though unrefereed, arXiv has a better h-index than most journals…
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Though unrefereed, arXiv has a better h-index than most journals…

Google provides a ranking of research venue per domain. For databases and information systems, they provide the top 20 venues according to their h-index. As part...

Expert performance and training: what we really know
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Expert performance and training: what we really know

Movies such as Good Will Hunting tell beautiful stories about young people able to instantly master difficult topics, without any effort on their part. That performance...

Should we train more people as programmers?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Should we train more people as programmers?

Lately, the top salaries for computer science graduates have been increasing. Companies like Google are willing to pay what it takes to get their hands on the best...

A culture of envy
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

A culture of envy

Many people are worried about their social status and inequality. We live in what I call a culture of envy. Matt Welsh, a software engineer who previously was a...

The insanity of research grant proposals
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The insanity of research grant proposals

Most people will never have to write a research grant. That is a good thing. How do you write a successful grant application? Your work should follow established...
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