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datePast Year
authorDaniel Tunkelang

Search vs. Browse
From The Noisy Channel

Search vs. Browse

One of the oldest distinctions in information access is between searching and browsing. Does a user initiate an information-seeking journey by typing keywords into...

When Machine Learning Hits A Wall
From The Noisy Channel

When Machine Learning Hits A Wall

Machine learning (or AI if you prefer) is amazing. I cannot think of another area of computer science — or of technology in general — that has been more influential...

Critical Thinking and Generative AI
From The Noisy Channel

Critical Thinking and Generative AI

Critical Reasoning and Generative AIOne of the formative experiences in my mathematics education was a time I struggled to compute an integral in a calculus class...

Semantic Equivalence of e-Commerce Queries
From The Noisy Channel

Semantic Equivalence of e-Commerce Queries

I am proud to share the slides for “Semantic Equivalence of e-Commerce Queries”, which my eBay colleague Aritra Mandal presented this morning at the KDD 2023 Workshop...

Upcoming Search Classes this Fall
From The Noisy Channel

Upcoming Search Classes this Fall

I hope that everyone has been enjoying the summer. I took a sabbatical from teaching, but I’m looking forward to new students this fall.Are you excited to learn...

What is Searcher Happiness?
From The Noisy Channel

What is Searcher Happiness?

As a search specialist, my main goal is to improve searcher happiness. Sure, companies pay me to improve business metrics like conversion rate and revenue, butprobability...

Surprise! Surprise?
From The Noisy Channel

Surprise! Surprise?

We have reached the stage of generative AI where artists, authors, and performers are convinced that AI is stealing their lives — and, perhaps more importantly,...

Search Result Snippets, Revisited
From The Noisy Channel

Search Result Snippets, Revisited

Search result snippets, also known as query-biased summaries, are the additional context included with each result on the search results page. They are an essential...

Implicit Query Reformulation
From The Noisy Channel

Implicit Query Reformulation

Let me start with the disclaimer that this post describes an embryonic idea, not an approach that I have validated through analysis or experimentation. With that...
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