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Communications of the ACM



Data By The People, For The People
From The Noisy Channel

Data By The People, For The People

I was fortunate this year not only to be able to attend the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2012) in Maui, but also...

LinkedIn at CIKM 2012
From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn at CIKM 2012

Last year, I had the pleasure of co-organizing the CIKM 2011 Industry Event in Glasgow. This year, I’m honored to be part of the CIKM 2012 Industry Event program...

HCIR 2012: A Personal Report
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2012: A Personal Report

Human-computer information retrieval (HCIR) is the study of information retrieval techniques that integrate human intelligence and algorithmic search to help people...

Office Hours at Cambridge Brewing Company
From The Noisy Channel

Office Hours at Cambridge Brewing Company

I’ll be in Cambridge, MA this Thursday and Friday for the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR 2012). Hope to see many...

HCIR 2012 Symposium: Oct 4-5 in Cambridge, MA
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2012 Symposium: Oct 4-5 in Cambridge, MA

It’s the event you’ve been waiting for: the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval! HCIR 2012 will take place October 4th and 5th...

LinkedIn Presentations at RecSys 2012
From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn Presentations at RecSys 2012

LinkedIn showed up in force at the 6th ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012)! Here are the slides from all of our presentations. Daniel...

RecSys 2012: Beyond Five Stars
From The Noisy Channel

RecSys 2012: Beyond Five Stars

I spent the past week in Dublin attending the 6th ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012). This young conference has become the premier...

Content, Connections, and Context
From The Noisy Channel

Content, Connections, and Context

This is keynote presentation I delivered at the Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web, held as part of the 6th ACM International Conference on Recommender...

LinkedIn at RecSys 2012
From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn at RecSys 2012

LinkedIn is an industry leader in the area of recommender systems – a place where big data meets clever algorithms and content meets social. If you’re one of the...

Panos Ipeirotis talking at LinkedIn about Crowdsourcing!
From The Noisy Channel

Panos Ipeirotis talking at LinkedIn about Crowdsourcing!

Sharing knowledge is part of our core culture at LinkedIn, whether it’s through hackdays or contributions to open-source projects. We actively participate in academic...

Data Werewolves
From The Noisy Channel

Data Werewolves

Thank you Scott Adams for the free advertising. Of course, LinkedIn is the place to find data werewolves.   Want to find more data werewolves. Check out my team...

Matt Lease: Recent Adventures in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
From The Noisy Channel

Matt Lease: Recent Adventures in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation

Today we had the pleasure of hosting UT-Austin professor Matt Lease at LinkedIn to give a talk on his “Recent Adventures in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation“...

WTF! @ k: Measuring Ineffectiveness
From The Noisy Channel

WTF! @ k: Measuring Ineffectiveness

At SIGIR 2004, Ellen Voorhees presented a paper entitled “Measuring Ineffectiveness” in which she asserted: Using average values of traditional evaluation measures...

Hiring: Taking It Personally
From The Noisy Channel

Hiring: Taking It Personally

As a manager, I’ve found that I mostly have two jobs: bringing great people onto the team, and creating the conditions for their success. The second job is the...

Upcoming Conferences: RecSys, HCIR, CIKM
From The Noisy Channel

Upcoming Conferences: RecSys, HCIR, CIKM

Long-time readers know that I have strong opinions about academic conferences. I find the main value of conferences and workshops to be facilitating face-to-face...

HCIR 2012 Challenge: People Search
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2012 Challenge: People Search

As we get ready for the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval this October in Cambridge, MA, people around the world are working...

RecSys 2012 Industry Track
From The Noisy Channel

RecSys 2012 Industry Track

I’m proud to be co-organizing the RecSys 2012 Industry Track with Yehuda Koren. Check out the line-up: Ronny Kohavi (Microsoft), Keynote Online Controlled Experiments...

Information Cascades, Revisited
From The Noisy Channel

Information Cascades, Revisited

A couple of years ago, I blogged about an information cascade problem I’d read about in

Scale, Structure, and Semantics
From The Noisy Channel

Scale, Structure, and Semantics

This morning I had the pleasure to present a keynote address at the Semantic Technology & Business Conference (SemTechBiz). I’ve had a long and warm relationship...

Visual Search Startup Modista Is Back!
From The Noisy Channel

Visual Search Startup Modista Is Back!

Long-time readers know that I’m a great fan of visual search startup
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