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MIT Tech Review Goes Digital First
From The Eponymous Pickle

MIT Tech Review Goes Digital First

I have read MIT's Digital Review for many years, it used to be my prime source for digital information, long before there was much rich forward looking contentMore...

Bayesian Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bayesian Analysis

For those interested in Bayesian Network Analysis as a modeling technique, I see that BayesiaLab has come out with a new version with many new capabilities.   ...

You Can be too Rational
From The Eponymous Pickle

You Can be too Rational

In the Sloan Review:  I agree that you can over quantify.  But you should not ignore the numbers either.  Its also good to think about the exogenous interactions...

English Skills for Key Contexts
From The Eponymous Pickle

English Skills for Key Contexts

Correspondent John Lucke tells me about some of the work they are doing at Carnegie Speech to increase English proficiency among airline pilots.  This was written...

Diet Glasses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Diet Glasses

Another example of augmented reality.  And an application of integrating wearable devices to adjust your sensory data view.  I wonder how such a method will be...

On the Limits of Anti Virus Software
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Limits of Anti Virus Software

A telling post on the topic.  I recently had to deal with several episodes that were potentially the result of virus attacks.  My installed software apparentlymutually...

Waves of Motivation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Waves of Motivation

My previous note about Dan Ariely's Conscious+ App led me to reinvestigate the concept of Motivation Waves, as described by BJ Fogg in this excellent video.  He...

Technology Testing City
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology Testing City

The establishment of a technology testing city.   " ... An international technology company is creating an empty city in New Mexico to test and evaluate emerging...

Apps of Conscience
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apps of Conscience

Can an App significantly help you make the right choice?  Dan Ariely has published an App called Conscience+, which contains a number of simple reminders aboutHe...

Bionic Brains and Beyond
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bionic Brains and Beyond

In the WSJ:   " ... High-tech implants will soon be commonplace enhancements under our skin and inside our skulls, making us stronger and smarter. Daniel H. Wilson...

Social Media and Customer Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media and Customer Service

In Forbes:  Simplistic, makes some large assumptions.  But should be read by management that does not understand the power of social media.

A Youtube for Books
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Youtube for Books

Now in Beta, called Widbook, a YouTube like play for creating, reading and sharing books. " ... Book lovers and authors can share stories with others in their social...

Prezi Presentations Re-Examined
From The Eponymous Pickle

Prezi Presentations Re-Examined

Another look at Prezi, the zooming interface.  I see there is now an iPad viewer that lets it work outside of Flash.  A little akin to 'dynamic' transitions inGood...

Crowd Sourcing Missing People
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowd Sourcing Missing People

Had a meeting with a company, Videolocators, which is crowdsourcing the finding of missing children.   A clever approach that combines text, video and the use of...

Wal-Mart Goodies Sampling Subscription Program
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Goodies Sampling Subscription Program

In Adage:   A clever idea for online engagement from Wal-Mart. " ...'s march to catch Amazon in e-commerce and integrate online and offline offerings...

Agent-Based Modeling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Agent-Based Modeling

Gib Bassett sends along this interesting link about agent based simulation.  We actively worked in this space for years.  Agent-Based Modeling and Large-Scale Simulation...

Cisco Provides Mobile Forecast
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco Provides Mobile Forecast

Some interesting stats from Cisco on the increasing use of mobile and how it is driving internet traffic.  A tidal wave is rising. " ... The

Excellence in Retailing Prize
From The Eponymous Pickle

Excellence in Retailing Prize

The second annual Hub Prize competition, honoring excellence in the retail experience, is now underway and will run through July 31. Honored entries will be featured...

Bring Your Own Devices
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bring Your Own Devices

An acronym I have just learned: BYOD, bring your own devices.  The policy of companies allowing employees to use their own devices for internal use.   The practice...

Future  of Money
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Money

An impressive special report in IEEE Spectrum on the Future of Money.  With emphasis on the near future direction of electronic payment methods.   Are we in the...
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