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Data Tech Trend
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Tech Trend

Data will be a defining Tech Trend. Based on several trips I took in December to clients, it is clear that companies are looking for ways to leverage their huge...

Maps of science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Maps of science

In Flowingdata: An interesting map that shows the interrelationships of scientific fields based on published papers. This kind of visualization is more useful for...

Changing our Relationhip with Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing our Relationhip with Technology

Will AI do this?. An Intel director comments. Yes I have believed that since our work in the area in the 80s. It is a matter of timing. We were too optimistic...

Joy of Quiet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Joy of Quiet

On the joy of quiet. Getting away from the deluge of data. On a current trip I have been juggling three devices and when one of them failed found myself feeling...

Media and Children
From The Eponymous Pickle

Media and Children

On media and children. Effects positive and negative. In particular on games and children. With lots of references to studies on the topic.

Google Official Blog Sums Most all of it up
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Official Blog Sums Most all of it up

The official google blog sums up the last year of posts, reminding me of a number of things I had followed up on and some I had forgotten. Many still remain interesting...

Personal Brand Audit
From The Eponymous Pickle

Personal Brand Audit

The Burghard Group Suggests:Simple steps for a personal brand Audit. Good set of straightforward ideas.

Wearable Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearable Computing

A topic we followed.. Not an unexpected direction. Integrated computing and clothing. We are not far off today, with buzzing devices in pockets altering us to...

Continuous Revisions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Continuous Revisions

By Nicholas Carr: A consequence of e-books: the ability to continually revise. Yes, I agree ... If we want that, but the same technology allows us to specifically...

Finding New Customers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Finding New Customers

In Mashable: Intriguing thoughts on how to get new customers. Not an obvious set of examples." ... The subject of finding customers is one of the most mysterious...

Leveraging Semantics in 2012
From The Eponymous Pickle

Leveraging Semantics in 2012

Excellent post by Mark Montgomery: Strategic IT Alignment in 2012: Leverage Semantics ... read it here

Technology Evolution
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology Evolution

In ReadWriteWeb. A look at Kevin Kelly's new book on technology evolution. Makes me want to read it. "... It's a highly ambitious and expansive book, which looks...

Grace Hopper Interview
From The Eponymous Pickle

Grace Hopper Interview

An interview with computer pioneer Grace Hopper, who I met while working at the Pentagon. A reminder of how far we have come.

WiFi Vending Machines
From The Eponymous Pickle

WiFi Vending Machines

In Japan, the home of universal vending, machines that will provide free registration-less WiFi and product. Assuming they will sell advertising for companies that...

Sands Research Nails VW Ad
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sands Research Nails VW Ad

An interesting result that starts to connect new ad analysis methods with classic methods:------Wall St. Journal and AdWeek Agree with

Telling a Business Story with Slideshare
From The Eponymous Pickle

Telling a Business Story with Slideshare

Telling a business story. Simple advice overall. " ... Because presentations are generally about very specific topics, companies use SlideShare for inbound marketing...

Visualizing the Flavor Network
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing the Flavor Network

A flavor network. From FlowingData. The different relationships of flavor and location. An interesting example of visual relationships.

Common Statistical Mistakes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Common Statistical Mistakes

Very common examples. I have seen variants of all of these. Still, should be well known to all saavy managers. If you see anything that is similar to these...

Considering Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

Considering Gamification

When should you consider the use of game methods for business? This should be carefully considered for applications alternatively in and outside the company,...

Wikipedia of Maps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wikipedia of Maps

A Challenge to Google. A non charging means via OpenStreetMaps to deliver complex frequently updated global maps. It appears that Google is finally aiming to...
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