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Seven Rules of Interpersonal Relationships
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seven Rules of Interpersonal Relationships

These are fairly obvious, but worth some further thought.-

IBM to Acquire SPSS
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM to Acquire SPSS

Big news in analytics world. The article says to do better predictive analytics. In the enterprise SPSS and SAS have been heavily used since the 6os. Quite an acquisition...

Disney Ad Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disney Ad Research

In the NYT: Lab Watches Web Surfers to See Which Ads Work. How they are using eye tracking and other biometric techiques to understand how ads work. As always...

Business Intelligence in Manufacturing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence in Manufacturing

New overview paper in business intelligence issues in manufacturing by MAIA. Covers much of the typical context of BI for manufacturing. Not prescriptive but good...

Say Everything
From The Eponymous Pickle

Say Everything

Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It's Becoming, and Why It Matters by Scott RosenbergA history of blogging to date with interpretation along the way. I...

Theory of Games and Economic Misbehavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Theory of Games and Economic Misbehavior

By George Dyson in the Edge. The historian of science takes on math models of economies. A bit dense in its historical references, but makes you think.

Much Less Mail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Much Less Mail

US postal service reports the largest drop in mail volume in hundreds of years. Not unexpected, but the statistics here are interesting. Paper mail, like many...

Can Knowledge Hurt Innovation?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Can Knowledge Hurt Innovation?

From HBR, Can knowledge hurt innovation? ' ... A meeting I had recently with some folks at Gillette highlighted an important issue facing the would-be innovator...

Wal-Mart Retooling Privacy Policies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Retooling Privacy Policies

Wal-Mart is in the process of retooling its privacy policies to include mobile and online data. In Storefrontbacktalk. Where they talk about the implications.

AP Intends to Embed Spyware in Articles
From The Eponymous Pickle

AP Intends to Embed Spyware in Articles

This will not make the AP popular on the Web, in the NYTimes. Though I rarely do, I will make every effort not to link to AP articles. ' ... Each article

Nearly perfect RFID at Metro
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nearly perfect RFID at Metro

Worked with Metro retailer on their impressive tagging efforts. Their innovation stores were a testbed for these capabilities. A report below on recent efforts...

The Ownership of Geolocation Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Ownership of Geolocation Data

Good discussion of the ownership of location data in retail.

On Wisdom of Crowds
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Wisdom of Crowds

In Mind Hacks: Outlines some articles and research on the psychology of crowds and the fluidity of identity. ' ... recent research shows that people tend to cooperate...

A Semantic View of the Organization: Kyield
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Semantic View of the Organization: Kyield

I have looked at a number of approaches to try to combine the knowledge within a complex organization and result in improved innovation and communications. We examined...

Google Latitude now on IPhone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Latitude now on IPhone

The Google latitude location sharing application is now available for the IPhone. Can't say I have ever tried this kind of location sensitive social capability...

Visual Intelligence in Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visual Intelligence in Marketing

Attended a talk by Don Hoffman entitled: Visual Intelligence in Marketing. He is the author of the book Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See. The premise...

Artificial Brain Ten Years Away?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Artificial Brain Ten Years Away?

From the TED conference: ' ... Professor Markram said he would send a hologram to talk at TED in 10 years. A detailed, functional artificial human brain can be...

Planning Under Uncertainty
From The Eponymous Pickle

Planning Under Uncertainty

Good Piece in Knowledge@Wharton: Eyes Wide Open: Embracing Uncertainty through Scenario Planning. Given our uncertain times, a technique that needs to be more...

Creativity Centers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creativity Centers

The Power Of Design IDEO redefined good design by creating experiences, not just products. Now it's changing the way companies innovate ... Also here about creativity...

On the Neuroscience of Emotion
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Neuroscience of Emotion

Interesting Google tech talk on the topic, a talk by Phillipe Goldin
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