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Alexa Self Learning to Correct Mistakes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Self Learning to Correct Mistakes

In all conversation there is adjustments of our interactions.Good piece here that shows how this is being proposed for a common assistant.Amazon Uses Self-Learning...

Private Micro Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Private Micro Networks

Do that already in business with things like Slack and Teams.Why private micro-networks could be the future of how we connect in Technology ReviewForget amassing...

Real-time Mapping and Localization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Real-time Mapping and Localization

Much work underway in smart mapping ... Given the increasing need for real-time intelligence.   We used aspects of this in forestry asset analysis.Collaborative...

When can you Selectively look at Less than all of the Data?
From The Eponymous Pickle

When can you Selectively look at Less than all of the Data?

I pass along Jason Brownlee's links from time to time, have found them very useful.   Subscribe to his stream, buy his books.  Here its about sampling and whenJason...

Numba: Speeding up Python
From The Eponymous Pickle

Numba: Speeding up Python

Just brought to my attention.  Python use for numerical algorithms can be an issue when speed is required.  Technical.Accelerate Python FunctionsNumba translates...

Networks in the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Networks in the Enterprise

Podcast and more about the use of internal networks.   Talking the podcast side we established some internal podcasts channels to talk to people about how emergent...

Taiwan Improves Manufacturing with AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Taiwan Improves Manufacturing with AI

Some good details here about what is going on in Taiwan, notably integration with big data and AI capabilities.From plastic toys to Industry 4.0: How Taiwan isThe...

Frontier in AI Training
From The Eponymous Pickle

Frontier in AI Training

We always need to consider the outlier case.      Its often in current and future training.... I like the idea of thinking about broadening the training to include...

Sim Swapping Insecurity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sim Swapping Insecurity

Had read about this.   The details here are that those responsible for the most minimal security are not taking it seriously. Poor security is not the right term...

Electronic Skin
From The Eponymous Pickle

Electronic Skin

 Note the long history of this kind of effort.Integrate Microchips for Electronic SkinLeibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (Germany)JanuaryGerman...

Putting Humans in the AI Loop
From The Eponymous Pickle

Putting Humans in the AI Loop

I argue that they are always in the loop.  Just how effectively are they placed there. Always a very useful question. Starting with existing process helps.Can AI...

Show Devices Can Now Recognize
From The Eponymous Pickle

Show Devices Can Now Recognize

Just brought to my attention, Alexa 'Show' devices, that is,  those that have an embedded camera,  can now be asked to recognize things.   Apparently only in the...

Google Dataset Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Dataset Search

Worth another, closer look. In Flowingdata.  Over a year ago, Google released Dataset Search in public beta. The goal was to index datasets across the internets...

Update on Samsung Bixby
From The Eponymous Pickle

Update on Samsung Bixby

Took early looks at Bixby, was not impressed.  Has huge appliance exposure, IOT connections.  What's new and interestingBixby was quiet in 2019, but don't sleep...

Why is Wal-Mart Embracing AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why is Wal-Mart Embracing AI

Certainly they are, but the motivation not too clear from this.  Why Walmart is Embracing AI and RoboticsOne of the most famous bonehead quotes from a chief executive...

Delta Airlines Develops Disruption Predictions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Delta Airlines Develops Disruption Predictions

Example in the aviation industry, would seem to be much available data, consideration and implications  of inaccurate predictions?Delta Develops Artificial Intelligence...

On the End of Tracking Cookies?
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the End of Tracking Cookies?

Quite a considerable change?  We analytically examined the use of Cookies early on.  Is this the end, and what are the implications?R.I.P. Cookies. Why customer...

AB InBev Uses Machine Learning for Corruption
From The Eponymous Pickle

AB InBev Uses Machine Learning for Corruption

Have in the past few months seen several interesting examples of automated and semi-automated fraud detection, and some cases where it should be being used.  Here...

AI Enhancing Maps and Goal Process
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Enhancing Maps and Goal Process

You could add to this the ability to add contextual process knowledge to a map.   Beyond just what is there, and how do I navigate to X.   Say in the goal context...

Microsoft Project Cortex: Optimizing the Enterprise ?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Project Cortex: Optimizing the Enterprise ?

Was reminded of this, announced generally last year.    It actually has similarities to some things we discussed with Linkedin a number of years ago: To use a company's...
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