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Marketing and AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing and AI

Artificial Intelligence Interview with ESOMAR  (the WORLD Association for Social, Opinion and Market Research)    By Tom H. C. Anderson  .... What Market Researchers...

Security Risks for Alexa in Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Security Risks for Alexa in Business

Some good points made for the business use of assistants and other attentive systems.  Methods like voice recognition, biometrics  and validation methods will have...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Gillette: Fat, Happy and Vulnerable in Its Own FiefdomBy Bob Herbold on his blog .... A recent article in Fortune magazine discussed the massive loss of marketHow...

Cortana Gets IFTTT
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cortana Gets IFTTT

Was wondering why this was taking so long.  Crucial not only because it links in data that can be used, but also shows some of the possibilities for future connections...

Simple Example of TensorFlow
From The Eponymous Pickle

Simple Example of TensorFlow

A good, detailed example of using TensorFlow for one of the most well known analytics techniques.  Instructive.Linear Regression in Tensorflow  by Aaqib SaeedPredicting...

Drones in Uncertain Environments
From The Eponymous Pickle

Drones in Uncertain Environments

Long been a student of uncertainty.A little Uncertainty can help Drones dodge Obstacles at High Speeds, says MIT  By James Vincent    @jjvincent in TheVergeForWith...

Open Technology AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Technology AI

How do we architect and deliver Open AI?From my Linkedin Cognitive Systems Institute Group: Karolyn Schalk,  ModeratorExecutive and Technical Expertise, Cloud, ...

Kroger Opens Culinary Innovation Center
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Opens Culinary Innovation Center

Always interested in how we can innovate, was part of a number of innovation center efforts. Surprised that Kroger has not done this before.  Now I would ask, how...

A Broader More Realistic Approach to AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Broader More Realistic Approach to AI

Been through it several times, and it is occurring once again.  But there is now as there was then a kernel of real value.  Good examination: Looking Beyond the...

Accenture Talks Tech Future of Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Accenture Talks Tech Future of Business

Good piece with lots of details at the link.Accenture Technology Vision 20185 Key Tech areas, which they say are: Citizen AI, Extended Reality, Data Veracity, Friction...

Boasting Good for Startups?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Boasting Good for Startups?

Boasting probably just one component in getting the word out and support for development.Is boasting good or bad for business?   By Maddy Savage BBC, Business reporter...

Need for Ergonomics in VR
From The Eponymous Pickle

Need for Ergonomics in VR

Obvious.   But I suggest that sometimes ergonomics are ignored for a clear value proposition or wow effect.  Consider Carpal Tunnel syndrome. Why AR Will Never ...

Full Scale Virtual Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Full Scale Virtual Research

Former P&G Shopping Behavior scientist and colleague John Milby sends along an update of this work virtualizing shopping context for experimental understanding....

Facebook Open Source AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Open Source AI

What Facebook is Doing for Open-Source AI.   Technical details and detailed pointers to resources.  Announces what they call Tensor Comprehensions.Announcing Tensor...

The New Virtual Office
From The Eponymous Pickle

The New Virtual Office

I took several looks at this topic as part of our innovation center work.  Some of the capabilities I looked at still exist, see for example, what was once called...

Facebook Introducing Smart Speakers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Introducing Smart Speakers

Fastcompany Says Facebook will introduce multiple Smart Speakers  Unclear if there will be any remnants of the Facebook M assistant, reportedly dropped recently...

Slack Using AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Slack Using AI

So far have not been impressed with Slacks chatbot, but gives the impression that they are working on assisting the user.   Especially useful for new or infrequent...

Wharton Podcast on Amazon Go
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wharton Podcast on Amazon Go

Will Amazon Go Capture the Holy Grail of Retail?Amazon’s new cashier-less convenience store aims to answer one of retail’s thorniest challenges: Understanding why...

Decentralized Identity with Blockchains
From The Eponymous Pickle

Decentralized Identity with Blockchains

Intriguing application proposal. More at the link below, including a number of initial participants and goals.Microsoft will use a Blockchain to Decentralize Data...

Voice Design, Voice Enablement
From The Eponymous Pickle

Voice Design, Voice Enablement

Good thoughts, have been thinking much about voice design of late and how it best integrates with other channels.   Very useful in a new world of voice-enabledThe...
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