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Digital Transformation Playbook
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Transformation Playbook

Recently brought to my attention and a good read.   The Digital Transformation Playbook: Rethink Your Business for the Digital Age (Columbia Business School Publishing)...

Need to Lead in Data and Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Need to Lead in Data and Analytics

From McKinsey: In a new survey, executives say senior-leader involvement and the right organizational structure are critical factors in how successful a company...

Innovation Lessons from Lego
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Lessons from Lego

Have followed Lego fpr motivating innovation for years, but never saw it used internally.  Whats the barrier?  Culture?  Seen as too trite?Lessons from Lego: Low...

Amazon Robot Arms Race
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Robot Arms Race

Good overview ....   What characteristics of robotic capability are most involved?How Amazon Triggered a Robot Arms RaceIn 2012 Jeff Bezos scooped up warehouseKim...

Open Source Game Sand Boxes for AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source Game Sand Boxes for AI

Always liked the idea of setting up 'sandbox' environments where new technologies could be tested under varying contexts.    Good to see this being done here in...

Business Process Modeling and the Future of Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Process Modeling and the Future of Work

A starting approach to build a data science, or a cognitive model, is to work from  a business process model.   Ultimately any improvement changes a way of doing...

Hybrid AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hybrid AI

The broad term was unfamiliar to me, but turns out I have been a proponent of it for some time.    The most successful applications we did, that ran successfully...

Imagination Institute
From The Eponymous Pickle

Imagination Institute

Brought to my attention, The Imagination Institute.Grants CompetitionThe Imagination Institute hosted a grants competition titled Advancing the Science of Imagination...

Starting an IOT Project
From The Eponymous Pickle

Starting an IOT Project

Nicely done piece by William Vorhies, which points to previous leassons as well"IoT 101 – Lesson 3: Everything You Need to Know to Start Your IoT ProjectPostedSummary...

Beacons Now Support NFC
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beacons Now Support NFC

Estimote Supports NFC.  Recall some question about the use of beacons with NFC in a past project.   This advance addresses another RFID related approach.    ...

Editions of Watson Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Editions of Watson Analytics

Recent Update. To what degree can this breakdown of analytics be useful, and how can it create an automation of data analytics.A short video on the number of industry...

Having a Good Day at Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Having a Good Day at Work

Can appreciate the thought now that I spend less time at a physical office.  Podcast, with some useful strategies.    " ... How to Have a Good Day:Harness the Power...

Controlling Smartphones With Your Eyes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Controlling Smartphones With Your Eyes

In CACM:" ... In an effort to make eye tracking cheap, compact, and accurate enough to be included in smartphones, a group of researchers is crowdsourcing the collection...

Semantic Data Lakes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Semantic Data Lakes

Via Tim Smith. Hadoop, Triple Stores, and the Semantic Data Lake, by Alex WoodieHadoop-based data lakes are springing up all over the place as organizations seek...

Latency in Voice Command Response
From The Eponymous Pickle

Latency in Voice Command Response

The inside story of how Amazon created Echo, the next billion-dollar business no one saw coming ... by Eugene Kim, Dave Limp   Creating the Echo.Reaction:  The...

Predicting Crime
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Crime

In Forbes: An update on the use of predictive analytics for crime prediction and prevention.   With a number of suppliers in the space described.   Looks to be...

Prevention of Systemic Risk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Prevention of Systemic Risk

Here about financial risks.  And in fact what are systemic risks?  Here appears to be defined by risks that are driven by external context and that are not considered...

Microsoft Betting its Future on AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Betting its Future on AI

Microsoft beyond AI and into how the world is presented in conjunction with data and intelligence.In theVerge: " ... Satya Nadella bounded into the conference room...

Reading People
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reading People

More psych, on reading people.  I like the fact that quoted are less university researchers and more people that need read people as a business.  Good links to...

Machine Learning Images from Mobile Video
From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning Images from Mobile Video

Continued interest in fast image analysis.  Has implications for the perception of images, and thus space and what exists within it.Google acquires image recognition...
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