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More about the Human Brain Project
From The Eponymous Pickle

More about the Human Brain Project

In Mindhacks:   Have followed this for years, and always interested in progress.  This interview provides some new details.     Glad for the effort, but am still...

Watson Tradeoff Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Tradeoff Analytics

Watson tradeoff analytics has become generally available on their Bluemix cloud.  An example of a cognitive service. Here is a good report on how it works and access...

Google and Levis Team up for Smart Clothes.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and Levis Team up for Smart Clothes.

Not a new idea, but once you have conductive yarn ...   Examined some years ago, where it included flashing displays. I was asked by the detergent folks how it"...

Neuroscience Methodologies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuroscience Methodologies

Innerscope's methodology page.    Nicely done summary of neuromarketing techniques.   They were just acquired by Nielsen.

Apple Acquires Metaio
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Acquires Metaio

In CWorld: Apple acquires German augmented reality company Metaio.  I have written about Metaio a number of times in this blog.  Impressive application of the technology...

Statistics as Big Data's Biggest Hurdle
From The Eponymous Pickle

Statistics as Big Data's Biggest Hurdle

Good piece.  There is danger on both sides here.  Data scientists ignoring statistics, and Statisticians ignoring how results can integrate with practical decisions...

Google Developer Conference
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Developer Conference

In Wired:  Good overview of activities at the Google developer conference.  A good mix of interesting innovation.  In particular new work on Google Now,  whichGoogle...

Visualizing War Deaths
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing War Deaths

Emphasizing WWII, but also visualizing estimates of deaths in wars throughout human history. By Neil Halloran,  Includes interactive capabilities.  Well done, but...

A Store as an Internet of Display Panels
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Store as an Internet of Display Panels

Attended an Ascendum meeting this evening and got a demo from their Zingo subsidiary.  They have a projectable sign system that is suitable for retail augmentation...

Alan Lightman at the Santa Fe Institute
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alan Lightman at the Santa Fe Institute

The Accidental Universe, the World You Thought You Knew.   Talk by physicist and novelist, Alan Lightman.    He ponders, but hardly proves, a number of scientific...

Affective Computing Talk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Affective Computing Talk

Michal Shmueli-Scheuer (IBM Haifa research lab)gave an excellent talk today. How can Feeling be integrated with other kinds of interaction with systems?Slides here...

ChoreMonster's Gamification Works for Pixar
From The Eponymous Pickle

ChoreMonster's Gamification Works for Pixar

Have mentioned ChoreMonster here a number of times.  A very creative startup by a former  colleague.ChoreMonster lands Disney deal to promote 'Inside Out  (MayCincinnati...

Creative Image Imagination
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creative Image Imagination

In Tech Review:  We worked in the area of recognizing and the describing what was seen in detailed images.  Now suppose you had a written description, how do we...

Nielsen Buys Innerscope
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nielsen Buys Innerscope

In Adage:Nielsen Buys Neuromarketing Research Company Innerscope ... Ratings Giant Wants to Get Inside Your Head ... Recall that they previously bought NeuroFocus...

Retailer Carrefour Leverages Store Beacons
From The Eponymous Pickle

Retailer Carrefour Leverages Store Beacons

Have worked some with global retailer Carrefour, and never thought of them as a technical innovation retailer, so interesting to see this development.  Articlein...

Mobile Sensors and Crowd Estimates
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Sensors and Crowd Estimates

I like the idea of using data from  sensors in new ways.  In the BBC:  An example:  " ... It may be possible to estimate the size of a large crowd based on geographical...

Curriculum Redesign, and Math Thinking for Decision Makers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Curriculum Redesign, and Math Thinking for Decision Makers

Today's ISSIP ( International Society For Service Innovation Professionals) talk, by Charles Fadel on Curriculum design.    Discussion has been started there.  ...

Top Machine Learning Algorithms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Top Machine Learning Algorithms

Very nicely done overview of common machine learning algorithms from KDNuggets, what they are for and how they work.  Fairly non technical, so could be used with...

Watson Analytics and Citizen Insights
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Analytics and Citizen Insights

Good Interview in Silicon Angle:More businesses want to glean information from their data, but there is a shortage of resources geared toward non-data-scientists...

Empowering Employees
From The Eponymous Pickle

Empowering Employees

In the HBR:  Always wondered about what empowerment  meant, especially in big enterprises with established cultures.   Useful thoughts.
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