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Communications of the ACM



New Data Science Resources
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Data Science Resources

Quite a long list in DataScience Central..  Yes, its all too much to deal with.  But as one who both ingest this and adds to the talk, here is some more.  Imagine...

Magnetic Brain Stimulation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Magnetic Brain Stimulation

From MIT: "... Researchers at MIT have developed a method to stimulate brain tissue using external magnetic fields and injected magnetic nanoparticles — a technique...

Samsung's Gear, VR in Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung's Gear, VR in Business

CW on Samsung Gear: A Virtual reality Solution that has been around for some time.  For games, yes ... now what are the clear business applications lined up for...

Free Data Mining Books and Distinction Advice
From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Data Mining Books and Distinction Advice

From Data On Focus.  A list of links for free data resources. Nicely done.  No excuse these days for not getting lots of information on the subject.  Likely lots...

Rapid Changes in Programming Languages
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rapid Changes in Programming Languages

Via the ACM:  Encountered this during several interactions about what coding methods are being used and taught today in University.  Includes statistics about how...

Thinking Differently About Risk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Differently About Risk

Risk is often not thought about consistently.  In some cases it derives from actuarial tables, in other cases straight from the gut.   It has to deal with bothThinking...

How PARC Saved Xerox
From The Eponymous Pickle

How PARC Saved Xerox

Interesting historical piece about PARC and Xerox.  We visited PARC a number of time, but had no direct connections to Xerox.   " ... And that’s the true lesson...

Kroger Loyalty Program Ranks High
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Loyalty Program Ranks High

In Adage:  " ... Kroger was among the brands with the highest-rated loyalty programs in various categories, according to a survey by Bond Brand Loyalty, with Amazon...

Predicting Future Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Future Business

In the HBR:   Good overview of the nature of forecasting, including how Machine Learning will influence the future of doing a better job.  Several technology areas...

Must Have Data Linked to Must Need Decisions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Must Have Data Linked to Must Need Decisions

In Forbes: Predictive Analytics And Novel Visualization Draw Customers To 'Must Have' DataIts about the data and the decision. And the tools needed to connect them...

A Tutorial in R for Beginners
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Tutorial in R for Beginners

In Datacamp.  Good piece.   Simple and straightforward look at how to do machine learning in R.  Step by step, includes evaluation of the model results.

Making Open Data Work with Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Open Data Work with Visualization

In Federal Times: The DATA Act legislation means that federal agencies need to make their data open to the public: government leaders, watchdog groups, journalists...

Amazon Launches Machine Learning as a Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Launches Machine Learning as a Service

An interesting competitive proposition.  Machine Learning as a Service,  From clear experts in the field.  You add the data and decision expertise.   More companies...

Future of Print Newspapers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Print Newspapers

A Darker narrative on the future of print.  In the NYT opinion page ,by Clay Shirky.   It will not go away, but will continue to be marginalized.   A look at the...

Cautions for Solving Big Data Problems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cautions for Solving Big Data Problems

Good earlier piece by Vincent Granville I had reason to review,  He writes:" ... This seminal article highlights the dangers of reckless applications and scaling...

Steve Omohundro on Smart Contracts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Steve Omohundro on Smart Contracts

Short piece on talk by Steve Omohundro at Stanford School of Business on Smart Contracts, AI, and Robotics.   ( Awaiting link for talk recording ).

Smart Contracts Defined
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Contracts Defined

Brought to my attention in talk by Steve Mohundro: Smart Contracts.   On line WP definition:  " ... are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the...

Streamlining Meetings, Sharing Ideas
From The Eponymous Pickle

Streamlining Meetings, Sharing Ideas

Have recently been looking at how software can improve organization and discovered the below. Not endorsing it, but seeking to understand the options being developed...

Business Simplification
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Simplification

In Knowledge@Wharton: " ... Business simplification is a strategic imperative for today’s companies if they wish to unlock innovation and position themselves for...

Ways of Using VR In the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ways of Using VR In the Enterprise

A CW piece on using VR in the enterprise.   Have mentioned our own experiments in the past.  Whatever it is it has to be easy to use, provide significant value,...
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