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Causes of World Death
From The Eponymous Pickle

Causes of World Death

A good dynamic visualization of this data in Tableau public, emphasizing a treemap visualization and supporting bar charts.   I think this could be used for many...

Illusions of Cognition in Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Illusions of Cognition in Computing

Interesting Forrester piece:  In fact all AI and expertise based systems appear to be cognitive.  How is this an illusion?   In fact in our own experiments with...

Management Tools and Trends 2013
From The Eponymous Pickle

Management Tools and Trends 2013

A look at the year 2013: From Darrell Rigby, my correspondent at Bain & Company.  " .... Global executives who participated in Bain & Company's 14th Management...

Watson as a Customer Service Agent
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson as a Customer Service Agent

In Forbes:  Once your have built an 'intelligent' knowledge structure like Watson, all sorts of advisory applications come to mind.  In the link it is positioned...

A Look at Regulatory Burdens
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Regulatory Burdens

A number of studies examine this. MJ Perry concludes that regulatory costs are the second highest component of a US family's cost.

Data in that Toothbrush
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data in that Toothbrush

In Adage:  More internet of things linked with consumer behavior plays: " ... Imagine for a second that you could interview a product. How often is it being used...

Mobile BI Tools
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile BI Tools

I am in the midst of exploring mobile BI on tablets.  It is increasingly being specified that the solutions will be mobile.  That adds a number of challenges.  ...

Footprint App Again
From The Eponymous Pickle

Footprint App Again

I see that Kevin Karakotsios has made his Footprint USA App free for a limited time only.   Worth a look.  I really like the style of his simulation based methods...

Software Patents
From The Eponymous Pickle

Software Patents

In the WSJ:  On software patents.   A survey and debate on the topic.   The patent system, like the copyright laws, are broken and impede innovation.   Process...

One Planet Living on a Footprint App
From The Eponymous Pickle

One Planet Living on a Footprint App

Long time correspondent Ken Karakotsios has posted an excellent case study for the use of his Footprint USA App.  I mentioned it previously and have been exploring...

Twining Things Together
From The Eponymous Pickle

Twining Things Together

Good Wired Piece about Twine, an experimental capability that allows you to link together sensors in your hope to create an Internet of things.  Inexpensive and...

So What is Tumblr?
From The Eponymous Pickle

So What is Tumblr?

About to be sold to Yahoo.  I was asked to look at it as a microblogging tool a few years ago.   A microblog is an easy to use way to write blog postsTumblr adds...

The Modern Marketer
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Modern Marketer

Former colleague Dave Knox, writes in his Hard Knox Life blog about the modern marketer, where he includes a whimsical infographic illustrating how the modern marketer...

BIg Data and Market Rsearch
From The Eponymous Pickle

BIg Data and Market Rsearch

In Innovation Excellence:  It is natural to think about how data measuring aggregate human behavior is gathered.  Its done all the time.  That data is large, varied...

Why Big Customers want Quantum Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Big Customers want Quantum Computing

In the BBC:  Notably the Pentagon and Google.  This article does a good job of saying why this will ultimately be important.  Once again D-Wave is complimented...

Uploading Brains
From The Eponymous Pickle

Uploading Brains

We don't yet understand the nature of consciousness, or the precise nature of how things are stored in our brains.  Yet many are suggesting we can do a download...

Decreasing Time to Insight
From The Eponymous Pickle

Decreasing Time to Insight

In Information Management:  I agree that decreasing time in coming to a conclusion matters.  In particular if you are selecting a promotion for mobile delivery....

Der Spiegel on Numbers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Der Spiegel on Numbers

Der Spiegel, German news magazine, has a readable piece, in English, on big data and its use for forward looking predictive analytics.   Read it here.  Fairly good...

Placebo App on Smartphone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Placebo App on Smartphone

In Mashable:   The placebo effect has been known for a long time.  Is there a way to use interaction with a smartphone to produce a similar effect?  And can that...

App Aids Vision Impaired Photographers
From The Eponymous Pickle

App Aids Vision Impaired Photographers

An interesting App in development.  Seems like this mostly operational:  " ...  University of California, Santa Cruz researchers are developing a smartphone application...
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