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More on Disappearing Checkout Lines
From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Disappearing Checkout Lines

From Kioskmarketplace:   This reminds me of the considerable work we did in our retail lab well before the emergence of the smartphone.  Kiosks were the rage, and...

Ideaconnection Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ideaconnection Blog

Check out the IdeaConnection blog.  They are writing about Amway and Open Innovation.  " ... Since 2005, global consumer goods company Amway has launched 17 high...

Kraft and Fly Garage in Latin America
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft and Fly Garage in Latin America

In Adage: Kraft doing innovation via Fly Garage for Latin America,  with some similar goals to other innovation centers that I have worked with.  " ... Making the...

DARPA Seeks Radical Data Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

DARPA Seeks Radical Data Analysis

I had long ago involvement with DARPA, and now am involved with a major proposal to them, they are building up their large scale data involvement. An example:  ...

Analytics Magazine: Crowdsourcing, Forecasting, Time series
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Magazine: Crowdsourcing, Forecasting, Time series

The July-August Issue of Analytics Mag is out.  Lots of useful coverage:Margit Zwemer from, in this issue's cover story, introduces us to research as...

Robot Takes Inventory
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robot Takes Inventory

In IEEE Spectrum:   A whimsical robot takes inventory in a bookstore.  " ... has bigger plans for the future, where "in-store robots might handle tasks such as...

Future of Physical Retailing: Magical Experience
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Physical Retailing: Magical Experience

GigaOM writes about showrooming, the increasing tendency of shoppers to experience a product at a store, and then buy it online or elsewhere by searching or scanning...

Agile Business Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Agile Business Intelligence

Just brought to my attention again, the local consultancy Analysis Express, which talks Agile Business Intelligence. See also their blog:  Their CEO Subrata Debnath...

Power of Low Self Confidence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Power of Low Self Confidence

Surprising statement on the face of it, from the HBR.  Bottom line, it makes you more sensitive to feedback, and the ability to adjust your approaches to be more...

Cost of Digital Information
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cost of Digital Information

A rarely examined cost.  Some stats I have seen nowhere else. " ... From confidential customer information, to intellectual property, to financial transactions,...

Neuromarketing PR
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing PR

Mind Hacks takes a hack at Neuromarketing.    I think there is something to be considered here.  There is value in trying new methods to augment traditional ones...

Checking Out With QThru
From The Eponymous Pickle

Checking Out With QThru

A Seattle startup that seeks to deliver smartphone enabled scanning and retail checkout.  More detail at the Qthru site.   We examined this approach a number of...

PowerHouse Factories:  Brand Culture Plus Data with Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

PowerHouse Factories: Brand Culture Plus Data with Analytics

Reconnected this past week with PowerHouse Factories.  Impressed by their linking branding with data and analytics.   Build the brand, but immediately link in how...

QR Codes on Book Covers
From The Eponymous Pickle

QR Codes on Book Covers

QR codes showing up on all book covers of some publishers.  Like Simon and Schuster.   Not unexpected as more consumers are getting used to seeing the codes in...

Less Than Wisdom of Crowds
From The Eponymous Pickle

Less Than Wisdom of Crowds

In the NYT:   A number of recent examples have shown that the crowd, as exemplified by well known wisdom aggregations like Intrade, is not always correct.   Sometimes...

Consumers More Loyal to Store Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumers More Loyal to Store Search

In Progressive Grocer:  Intriguing review of research which says that shoppers search by store for online coupons rather than by brand, and as a result see store...

Operations Research Blogs from Informs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Operations Research Blogs from Informs

A list of blogs and other social networking connections sponsored by Informs.  Includes communities and focused topics that deal with analytics

Stack Ranking Stifles Creativity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stack Ranking Stifles Creativity

In Forbes:   Microsoft example.  I am inclined to agree, an approach that strictly forces grading on a curve tends to make people less creative, take fewer risks...

Security BYOD Tweet Chat
From The Eponymous Pickle

Security BYOD Tweet Chat

I have not been particularly fond of the public Tweet chat, an organized interaction between vendor experts and anyone who wants to join in.  But lately I havehttp...

Apple Patent for Head Mounted Display Tech
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Patent for Head Mounted Display Tech

Now Apple has also entered the fray with a patent on head-mounted display technology, with a different approach.  In Slashdot.  In the next iPhone?  If only it...
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