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Linked Data Ontology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linked Data Ontology

Part of an exploration:    Much more at the link." ... What is Linked Data?The Web enables us to link related documents. Similarly it enables us to link related...

Protege for Ontologies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Protege for Ontologies

Brought to my attention again. Stanford's Protege.  I recall we were shown a very early version of this when we explored ontology methods for the enterpise in the...

CPG and Location Based Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

CPG and Location Based Advertising

In Mediapost: Mostly about food, but good statistics about CPG and location based mobile advertising.  " ... By targeting custom audiences based on location, traffic...

Tetherless World Constellation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tetherless World Constellation

Was today introduced to RPI's Tetherless World Constellation.   Name is obscure.   " ... Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a constellation of multidisciplinary...

Table Scalping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Table Scalping

Table Scalping?  Love to watch how markets arise in the economy.  Whenever you see evidence of a scarce resource, whose price is being escalated by its scarcity...

Big Data and McCormick
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data and McCormick

Have had a few friends who worked projects with McCormick, and am impressed with their approaches to the use of new and innovated technology,  Here more, on their...

Team Innovation and the Art of Problem Solving
From The Eponymous Pickle

Team Innovation and the Art of Problem Solving

A High school oriented piece that is quite useful.    Would have loved to have seen this kind of thing when I was in school, or when I had bright kids in school...

Uber of Food Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Uber of Food Delivery

In Smartblogs: The expansion of food delivery based on new supply chain services and big data.  " .... A new and growing generation of food delivery services is...

Big Data Value
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Value

A favorite topic of mine, the current and forecast value of data, Big or otherwise.  I gave a talk on it today to the ISSIP.  International Society of Service Innovation...

Re-Designing the Business Model
From The Eponymous Pickle

Re-Designing the Business Model

In Knowledge@Wharton:" ... Innovation has become a buzzword in business today, as new-product sales advantages so often flow from new designs or features. Think...

Design as Business Competency
From The Eponymous Pickle

Design as Business Competency

In Marketing Mag: " ... Design as a business competency has never been more important, writes Designworks’ Tim Riches, and the winners of this year’s Good Design...

High Performance Computing in CPG
From The Eponymous Pickle

High Performance Computing in CPG

Video by a former colleague,  Tom Lange, about how High Performance Computing (HPC) is used in consumer packaged goods at Procter & Gamble.   " ... From toothpaste...

Comparing the Social Landscape in 2014
From The Eponymous Pickle

Comparing the Social Landscape in 2014

A one page landscape infographic view of the eight most common types of social media in 2014. Nicely done, but specifics in this space do change quickly.  Includes...

Mail Re-Imagined in Verse
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mail Re-Imagined in Verse

Today from IBM.   Mail that understands you ... Imagine email that works for you instead of email that makes you work. .... Guided by analytics, IBM Verse learns...

Decision Making is Unconscious
From The Eponymous Pickle

Decision Making is Unconscious

Len Stein writes:" ... Marketers are realizing that decision making is largely an unconscious process. While neuro-scientists continue to expand our knowledge of...

MICA Intel Wearable is Fashionable
From The Eponymous Pickle

MICA Intel Wearable is Fashionable

Fashion changes.  Pricey at $495.  Will all jewelry soon have an option for computer augmentation?   Intel is an unexpected participant.  I do like the fact that...

Understanding the Face of Emotion
From The Eponymous Pickle

Understanding the Face of Emotion

Determining emotion from facial images. A long term research and innovation interest.  Here news of a September talk in Edge HeadCon.  The introductory piece also...

Google Glass not Taking Off
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Glass not Taking Off

It was only early this year I was looking at a way to use Glass to aid in some compliance applications. We approached Google, but got no interest. Now Glass appears...

Next 50 Years of Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Next 50 Years of Management

McKinsey's always interesting contributions, a look forward at the next 50 years:McKinsey Quarterly’s 50th anniversary editionIn this unique anniversary edition...

A Cisco App for Collaboration
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Cisco App for Collaboration

In CWorld: The Cisco App is being positioned as Freemium.  Will also be interesting to see how this is connected to some of its hardware solutions.  See also its...
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