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From Computational Complexity

Recording lectures? Posting the Recordings? Using Slides?

The issue of whether to record lectures or post slides or more generally how much material to give to the students is a new question (the last 20 years?) but IWe...

From Computational Complexity

My Post-Covid Post

 I had been meaning to write a post-COVID post for a while, buta) Are we finally post COVID? (I think so)b) Are the long term affects of  COVID (society not health)...

From Computational Complexity

Numbers that look prime but aren't

 A long time ago I made up the question (are questions ever really made up?)What is the least number that looks prime but isn't?It was not quite a joke in thatlook...

From Computational Complexity

Karp recently turned 90 but there was no conference to celebrate that. Which numbers do we use and why?

Karp turned 90 in January of 2025. I searched to see if there is a 90th Birthday Conference for him.  I did not find one (is there one?).  For which years do we...

From Computational Complexity

Why my department hopes I do not die this spring

Alice is scheduled to teach X in the Spring.Then Alice CAN"T! (illness, death, or some other reason)What is the department to do?1) If its an undergraduate class...

From Computational Complexity

Big Breakthrough in the exciting world of sum-free sets!

 Let \([n]\) be the set \(\{1,\ldots,n\}\). (This is standard.)Let X be a set of integers. \(X\) is sum-free if there is NO  \(x,y,z\in X\) such that \(x+y=z\)....

From Computational Complexity

Does Lance dislike Ramsey Theory Because he's colorblind?

BILL: Lance, my wife asked if you dislike Ramsey Theory because you are colorblind.LANCE: (laughs) It's why I don't like Ramsey Theory talks--impossible for meTen...

From Computational Complexity

People who live through two square years

 44*44=1936.45*45=2025. This year!46*46= 2116.Since my fake birthday is Oct 1, 1960 (I do not reveal my real birthday to try to prevent ID theft), which is past...

From Computational Complexity

Presidential Quiz!

I made up a quiz about the American Presidents here.  It has 40 questions. In the modern electronic age you can probably look up most or even all of the answers...

From Computational Complexity

Random Thought on AI from someone in the REAL WORLD

Guest Post from Nick Sovitch. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Bill Gasarch recently blogged on RANDOM THOUGHTS ON AI...

From Computational Complexity

When DO Names Change? When SHOULD Names Change?

 BILL: Good news for Jimmy Carter! He won  The Betty White Award! (see here).LANCE: That's not good news. He had to die to get it.BILL: Call it a mixed bag. Good...

From Computational Complexity

The Betty White Award for 2024

In Jan of 2023 I estabalished the Betty White Award, see here which is given to people who died late in the prior year and hence won't be in the  those who we lost...

From Computational Complexity

Random Thoughts on AI (Human Generated)

 (I wrote this post without any AI help. OH- maybe not- I used spellcheck. Does that count? Lance claims he proofread it and found some typos to correct without...

From Computational Complexity

My comments on Lance's Favorite Theorems

In Lance's last post (see here) he listed his favorite theorems from 1965 to 2024.There are roughly 60 Theorems. I mostly agree with his choices and

From Computational Complexity

Conway's Trick for Divisibility. Asking its complexity is an odd question.

 (I got this material from a nice article by Arthur Benjamin here.)  Conway suggested the following trick to determine if a number is divisible by each of the following...

From Computational Complexity

For what d is the following true: For all 2-colorings of \(R^d\) has a mono unit square (Answering(?) the Question)

 In my last post (see here) I invited you to work on the following question:Find a \(d\) such that--There is a 2-coloring of \(R^d\) with no mono unit square.--For...

From Computational Complexity

For what d is the following true: for all 2-colorings of \(R^d\) there is a mono unit square (Asking the Question)

 In this post I give a question for you to think about. My next post will have the answer and the proof. 1) The following are known and I have a set of slides about...

From Computational Complexity

A new Mersenne Prime Has Been Found. When will we find the next one?

  (Lance posted on the search for Mersenne primes in 2006 after a new one was discovered. I will comment on his post later.) A Mersenne Prime is a prime of thehere...

From Computational Complexity

Random Thoughts on the Election

 Here are my random thoughts on the election:1) Here is a list of things I DONT care about a) Candidates Gender or Race. The people who say its about time we had...

From Computational Complexity

Contrast an Episode of Columbo with the recent Nobel Prizes

 I quote Lance's blog post (here) about Computing and the Nobelsa) On Wednesday October 9th half of the Chemistry Nobel was awarded to computer scientists Demis...
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