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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorGreg Linden

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From Geeking with Greg

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What has caught my attention recently: Netflix says the value of its recommendations algorithms is $500M/year ([1]) Details on the internals of LinkedIn's recommender...

At what point is an over-the-air TV antenna too long to be legal?
From Geeking with Greg

At what point is an over-the-air TV antenna too long to be legal?

You can get over-the-air HDTV signals using an antenna. This antenna gets a better, stronger signal with less interference if it is direct line-of-sight and asrecently...

Why can't I buy a solar panel somewhere else in the US and get a credit for the electricity from it?
From Geeking with Greg

Why can't I buy a solar panel somewhere else in the US and get a credit for the electricity from it?

Seattle City Light has a clever project where, instead of installing solar panels on your house where they might be obscured by trees or buildings, you can buytwice...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What caught my attention lately: 12% of Harvard is enrolled in CS 50: "In pretty much every area of study, computational methods and computational thinking are...

The problem with personalized education
From Geeking with Greg

The problem with personalized education

Personalized education has had some spectacular failures lately, in large part due to how tone-deaf the backers have been to the needs of teachers, parents, and...

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From Geeking with Greg

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More of what caught my attention lately: The overwhelming majority of smartphone users set up their phone once, then barely ever download a new app again ([1]...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What caught my attention lately: Great idea for walking directions: "At times, we do not [want] the fastest route ... When walking, we generally prefer tiny streets...

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From Geeking with Greg

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More of what caught my attention lately: Crazy cool and the first time I've seen ultrasound used for device-to-device communication outside of research: "Chromecast...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What caught my attention lately: Fun data: "How to tell someone's age when all you know is her name" ([1]) "The possibility of proper tricorder technology in the...

Project Euler and blending math and computer science for education
From Geeking with Greg

Project Euler and blending math and computer science for education

Project Euler is a simple and surprisingly good educational tool for a blend of computer science and math. Highly recommended. You are given a problem (good examples...

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From Geeking with Greg

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More of what has caught my attention lately: Excellent history of Google's love-hate relationship with management (hint: it's mostly hate) ([1]) Excellent BBC[1]...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What has caught my attention lately: Dilbert on A/B testing: "Bend to my will and choose the orange button, you mindless click-puppets!" ([1]) Major performance...

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From Geeking with Greg

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More of what caught my attention recently: Cool new tech, especially for mobile, detecting gesture movements from the changes they make to ambient wireless signals...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What caught my attention lately: Colorful description of Google's servers in 1999: "A thin layer of cork to protect the motherboards from the cookie trays on which...

Shouldn't wearable computing let you be super human?
From Geeking with Greg

Shouldn't wearable computing let you be super human?

Wearable computing so far seems to be going after mimicking a tablet, but I wonder if the real success will be in augmented perception. Current smartwatches are...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What caught my attention lately: Windows 8 has caused a big drop in PC sales to businesses, most of which has been picked up by Google Chromebooks (not by Apple)...

Game Maven: Learn to code by writing games
From Geeking with Greg

Game Maven: Learn to code by writing games

I just launched Game Maven from Crunchzilla. It’s a new interactive tutorial -- part of the series that includes Code Monster and Code Maven -- that is a step-by...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What caught my attention lately: Jeff Bezos on what innovators need: "A willingness to fail. A willingness to be misunderstood. And maintaining a childlike wonder...

I was wrong on Netflix
From Geeking with Greg

I was wrong on Netflix

I was wrong on Netflix. A few years ago, I saw their pricing changes (which overpriced DVD rentals) and streaming catalog changes (switching to only buying whatever...

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From Geeking with Greg

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What I found interesting lately: Xkcd on the halting problem: "Big picture .... all things must someday die" ([1]) "Your fingerprint isn't a secret; you leave...
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