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My book, Algorithms and Misinformation
From Geeking with Greg

My book, Algorithms and Misinformation

Misinformation and disinformation are the biggest problems on the internet. To solve a problem, you need to understand the problem. In Algorithms and Misinformation...

Book excerpt: Conclusion
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: Conclusion

(This is one version of the conclusion from my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Wisdom of...

Book excerpt: A win-win-win for customers, companies, and society
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: A win-win-win for customers, companies, and society

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Everyone wins -- companies...

Book excerpt: Use only trustworthy behavior data
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: Use only trustworthy behavior data

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Adversaries manipulate...

Book excerpt: Data and metrics determine what algorithms do
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: Data and metrics determine what algorithms do

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Wisdom of the crowd...

Book excerpt: From hope to despair and back to hope
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: From hope to despair and back to hope

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Twenty five years...

Book excerpt: First pages of the book
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: First pages of the book

(This is an excerpt from my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It". The first sentence and first ...

Book excerpt: Wisdom of the trustworthy
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: Wisdom of the trustworthy

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Wisdom of the crowds...

Extended book excerpt: Computational propaganda
From Geeking with Greg

Extended book excerpt: Computational propaganda

(This is a long excerpt about manipulation of algorithms by adversaries from my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet...

Book excerpt: The rise and fall of wisdom of the crowds
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: The rise and fall of wisdom of the crowds

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Wisdom of the crowds...

Book excerpt: Manipulating likes, comments, shares, and follows
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: Manipulating likes, comments, shares, and follows

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") “The systems areexplained...

Book excerpt: Bonuses and promotions causing bad incentives
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: Bonuses and promotions causing bad incentives

(This is an excerpt from my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Bonuses are a powerful incentive...

The failure of big data
From Geeking with Greg

The failure of big data

For decades, the focus in machine learning has been big data. More data beats better algorithms, said an early 2001 result from Banko and Brill at Microsoft Research...

Book excerpt: Manipulating customer reviews
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: Manipulating customer reviews

(This is an excerpt from my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Amazon is the place peoplewrote...

Book excerpt: The problem is bad incentives
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: The problem is bad incentives

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Incentives matter...

Tim O'Reilly on algorithmic tuning for exploitation
From Geeking with Greg

Tim O'Reilly on algorithmic tuning for exploitation

Tim O'Reilly, Mariana Mazzucato, and Ilan Strauss have three working papers focusing on Amazon's ability to extract unusual profits from its customers nowadays....

Book excerpt: People determine what the algorithms do
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: People determine what the algorithms do

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") The problem is people...

Book excerpt: How companies build algorithms using experimentation
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: How companies build algorithms using experimentation

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") Wisdom of the crowd...

It's easy for social media to fill with astroturf
From Geeking with Greg

It's easy for social media to fill with astroturf

Most underestimate how easy it is for social media to become dominated by astroturf. It's easy. All you need is a few people creating and controlling multiple accounts...

Book excerpt: How some companies get it right
From Geeking with Greg

Book excerpt: How some companies get it right

(This is an excerpt from drafts of my book, "Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It") How do some companies...
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