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From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2009-01-20 []

no such file to load — sqlite3 on Rails 2.2 : RubyHead

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2009-01-18 []

Interface elements for jQuery - Documentation - Imagebox

From Springenwerk Blog

Barcode Recognition with Google's ZXing on the Mac with TIFF Support

Have you checked out Google's great open source barcode recognition library called ZXing ("zebra crossing")? It's really powerful, free and (halfway) platform independent...

From Springenwerk Blog

IBM DB2 on the Mac with Ruby, Rails and Radiant

Last year ended with an amazing announcement: IBM DB2 for the Mac! I have worked with DB2 for years and it's a truly great database. Who would have thought that...

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2008-12-30 []

Facebook Platform .:. Bug 3732 – Users cannot add apps (URI repeatedly grows until it's too long)

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2008-11-10 []

Developer Forums Beta: HTTP Post request with post variables ... http post upload with iPhone SDK

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2008-11-09 []

Developer Forums Beta: HTTP Post request with post variables ... http post upload with iPhone SDK

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2008-11-02 []

Simple Localization in Rails 2.2 - almost effortless i18n tutorial
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