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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

Goodbye Old Friends

We had two terrible losses this week. Not people but websites, Intrade and Google Reader. The corporate auditors for the real-money Irish prediction markets...

From Computational Complexity

Turing Award to Shafi and Silvio

The 2012 ACM Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science, will be given to MIT cryptographers Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali. From the press release...

From Computational Complexity

Opera and MOOCS

I've really learned to enjoy opera (the art form not the browser) and while I've come to really enjoy Atlanta, the city only has a regional opera company. So IMetropolitan...

From Computational Complexity

Our Government at Work

Barring a surprise deal, the sequester goes into effect tomorrow. NSF Director (and soon to be CMU President) Subra Suresh announced a sequestration impact statement...

From Computational Complexity


I got a new toy this week, the Pebble watch which I got early because I pre-ordered donated to their Kickstarter campaign. It's a little buggy and the promised...

From Computational Complexity

Beauty and Science

Christopher Shea wrote a recent Chronicle Review article Is Scientific Truth Always Beautiful? I would argue the answer is yes, and it boils down to Occam's Razor...

From Computational Complexity

The Complexity-STOC Bonanza

STOC and Complexity are co-located this July in beautiful Palo Alto, California. Both conferences have just announced their accepted papers: STOC (with PDF links...

From Computational Complexity

Postdocs in Computer Science

Anita Jones is troubled by the growing number of postdocs in computer science, she uses "troubling" twice in the first paragraph of her CACM Viewpoint. But is it...

From Computational Complexity

Who do you write papers for?

Mitch Daniels, the former governor of Indiana and new president of Purdue, wrote an inaugural letter where he discusses many of the challenges of higher education...

From Computational Complexity

The End of a Useless Test

First a word from our sponsor: Mihalis Yannakakis is celebrating his 60th birthday this year and you are invited to the party. From the Educational Testing Service...

From Computational Complexity

Rise of the Engineer

I rarely watch TV commercials anymore but its NFL playoff time and during a game last weekend, the following Ford commercial caught my eye. When not showing...

From Computational Complexity

Slow Science

You likely have not heard about the Slow Science manifesto. They don't blog. They don't tweet. They give a broken link to their Facebook Page which has no posts...

From Computational Complexity

Erdős and Turing

Only nine months separate the births of two very influential mathematicians, Paul Erdős and Alan Turing, whose centenaries we celebrate this year and last. That's...

From Computational Complexity

2012 Complexity Year in Review

As we turn our thoughts from Turing to Erdős, a look back at the complexity year that was. Written with help from co-blogger Bill Gasarch. The complexity result...

From Computational Complexity

Flash Fill

Sometimes it just takes a simple new feature in a popular piece of software to remind us how computer science just does cool stuff. Excel 2013 has a new feature...

From Computational Complexity

The Fiscal Cliff

Unless the republicans and democrats get a deal before year's end, the country will head over the so-called "Fiscal Cliff" including a budget sequestration that...

From Computational Complexity

Too Much Competition?

On Friday the New York Times ran an article on how online retailers constantly adjust prices to match their competitors. Their ability builds on many tools from...

From Computational Complexity

App Love

First a shout out to our friends up north on the 30th anniversary of the New York Theory Day this Friday. Just two years ago I wrote a post Gadget Love but now...

From Computational Complexity

Recursion Theorem follows from Church-Turing

During a homework assignment in a graduate complexity course I took at Cornell back in 1985 I used the following reasoning: Since a computer code sits in RAM that...

From Computational Complexity

A Simple PSPACE-Complete Problem

Back in the typecast last month I promised a simple PSPACE-complete game in a future post. Here it is: The SET GAME Given: A collection of finite sets S1,...,Sk...
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