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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

What Happened to MOOCS?

In 2012 I wrote a blog post about the growing influence of Massively Open Online Courses, or MOOCs.John Hennessey, president of Stanford, gave the CRA keynote address...

From Computational Complexity

A Failure to Communicate

With care you can explain major ideas and results in computational complexity to the general public, like the P v NP problem, zero-knowledge proofs, the PCP theorem...

From Computational Complexity

Covid and Complexity

As we hit five years from when the world shut down, lots of discussions on how Covid has changed society. What about academia and computer science?It's a challenging...

From Computational Complexity

Taking a Stand

On February 20th we got the news from the National Science Foundation Algorithms Foundations Team that long-time NSF program director Tracy Kimbrel, was leaving...

From Computational Complexity

You Need Much Less Memory than Time

Just as I was complaining that we haven't seen many surprising breakthroughs in complexity recently, we get an earthquake of a result to start the year, showing...

From Computational Complexity

Tomorrow and Yesterday

I recently completed Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, a book recommended by many including the City of Chicago. The novel covers the decades...

From Computational Complexity

Research Then and Now

A student asked me if complexity research was easier when I was a student. Interesting question. Let's compare research now versus the late 80's.The big advantage...

From Computational Complexity

The Situation at the NSF

The National Science Foundation is one of the agencies most affected by the various executive orders issued by the Trump administration. As a critical funder of...

From Computational Complexity

The NSF From the Inside

The National Science Foundation is one of the agencies most affected by the various executive orders issued by the Trump administration. As a critical funder of...

From Computational Complexity

Lautemann's Beautiful Proof

In writing the drunken theorem post, I realized I never wrote a post on Lautemann's amazing proof that BPP is contained in \(\Sigma^p_2\), the second level of the...

From Computational Complexity

The Fighting Temeraire

What does an 1838 painting tell us about technological change?A colleague and I decided to see how well LLMs could teach us a topic we knew nothing about. We picked...

From Computational Complexity

"Our Days Are Numbered"

Slide in Lev Reyzin's JMM talk "Problems in AI and ML for Mathematicians" Reyzin is paraphrasing Telgarsky. Posted with permission. Last week I attended the Joint...

From Computational Complexity

My Drunken Theorem

Bill's SIGACT Open Problems Column remembering Luca Trevisan is out. I chose the problem of whether Promise-ZPP in P implies Promise-BPP in P, an extension of an...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Year in Review

Back in the day (circa 1989) we studied locally random reductions which would lead to all those exciting interactive proof results. Somehow locally random reductions...

From Computational Complexity

Information is Physical?

I've heard a few times recently the phrase "Information only exists in a physical state". It come from the quantum computing world where they claim quantum changes...

From Computational Complexity

It's Time to Stop Using Grades

We use grades to evaluate students and motivate them to learn. That works as long as grades remain a reasonably good measure of how well the student understands...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: The Complete List

Now in one place all of my sixty favorite theorems from the six decades of computational complexity (1965-2024).2015-2024 Graph Isomorphism (Babai) Sensitivity...

From Computational Complexity

We Will All Write Like AI

Will our writing all converge to a generic AI style? Let's take a quick detour into LaTeX. Back in the late '80s, before LaTeX was the standard, there was TeX—a...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Learning from Natural Proofs

October EditionI had a tough choice for my final favorite theorem from the decade 2015-2024. Runners up include Pseudodeterministic Primes and Hardness of Partial...

From Computational Complexity

Steven Rudich (1961-2024)

Complexity theorist Steven Rudich passed away on October 29 at the age of 63. His works on Natural Proofs and Program Obfuscation were both highly influential.great...
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