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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorMichael Mitzenmacher

From My Biased Coin


The major reason for my lack of blog posts recently is that I was cut off from the Internet for a week.*  Surprisingly, the experience was not so bad.  I actually...

Technology Diffusion (Guest Post from Zhenming Liu)
From My Biased Coin

Technology Diffusion (Guest Post from Zhenming Liu)

My student, Zhenming Liu, writes about some of his recent work:Sharon Goldberg and I recently submitted a paper about technology diffusion in the context of communication...

Advantages of a Bigger Class
From My Biased Coin

Advantages of a Bigger Class

I'm several weeks into the super-sized class this semester.  Mostly, I find it's going fine -- indeed, there are some advantages, I'm finding, to the larger class...

Using Piazza
From My Biased Coin

Using Piazza

My TAs forced me to "get with the program" and use Piazza as our mechanism for student questions.  In the past I've simply used a central e-mail address that got...

A Systems Complaint
From My Biased Coin

A Systems Complaint

I think of myself as a person who works both in systems and theory.  And I've found that's often a challenging position.  I've been vocal before that I think theory...

Class Size Incentives
From My Biased Coin

Class Size Incentives

There's an interesting story in today's Crimson about a possible rise in "limited enrollment" classes at Harvard.  (See this older Crimson article as well.)  There...

Citation Circles on FSP
From My Biased Coin

Citation Circles on FSP

Sorry I haven't blogged much.  Life's been busy. But here's an interesting post by FemaleScienceProfessor discussing the appearance of "citation circles", people...

A Good Problem to Have
From My Biased Coin

A Good Problem to Have

Last year's enrollment for CS 124 was 53.  So far, current enrollment for this year:  119. I imagine a few are still just taking a look and might drop.  But a doubling...

Faculty Applications
From My Biased Coin

Faculty Applications

An anonymous commenter asked how we evaluate faculty applications.  While it's a little late, it's a valid question, so here are some high-level thoughts.  Here...

Collective Coordination of Conferences?
From My Biased Coin

Collective Coordination of Conferences?

Around this time of year, I get a number of messages from students:  I want to take your class, but there's a conflict with this other class I want to take, what...

January Flying By...
From My Biased Coin

January Flying By...

I'm enjoying a relatively snow-free January, but despite the extra time I've had on my hands from not having to shovel, I've had little time for blogging.  Reasons...

ITCS, Day 2
From My Biased Coin

ITCS, Day 2

I stopped a while by ITCS, before having to deal with other meetings. I saw fellow blogger Claire Mathieu, who told me my post on day 1 was negative.  To be clear...

ITCS, Day 1
From My Biased Coin

ITCS, Day 1

I spent much of today at ITCS (Innovations in Computer Science) 2012, over at MIT.  Justin gave an excellent talk on our work (with Graham Cormode) on Practical...

Chernoff-Hoeffding Bounds for Markov Chains
From My Biased Coin

Chernoff-Hoeffding Bounds for Markov Chains

We (Kai-Min Chung, Henry Lam, Zhenming Liu and myself) have a STACS paper on Chernoff-Hoeffding bounds for Markov chains (arxiv version here).  Such bounds areLarge...

Pointer, to Cash for Citations
From My Biased Coin

Pointer, to Cash for Citations

I'm disturbed to find that nobody is offering to pay me large sums just to have me affiliated with them for the purposes of raising their citation count.  WhatCrooked...

New Year's Thanks
From My Biased Coin

New Year's Thanks

There are many things I'm thankful for this year.  Perhaps most notably, the new year marks the halfway point of my 3-year stint as "Area Dean for Computer Science"...

Cross-Cultural Learning Curve: Sending a Paper to Science
From My Biased Coin

Cross-Cultural Learning Curve: Sending a Paper to Science

We decided to submit our paper on MIC and MINE to Science it's a venue that my co-authors were familiar with and very interested in applying to.  I was happy to...

Some of The Fun of Collaborating...The Other People
From My Biased Coin

Some of The Fun of Collaborating...The Other People

One of the things I enjoy most about working in algorithms is the breadth of work I get to do.  And while I've worked on a variety of things, almost all have been...

Wasted Hour(s)
From My Biased Coin

Wasted Hour(s)

Last night I was running some code for a queuing simulation related to some research I'm doing.  This is the Nth time I've used this code;  I wrote up the basic...

MIC and MINE, a short description
From My Biased Coin

MIC and MINE, a short description

I thought I should give a brief description of MIC and MINE, the topic of our Science paper.  Although you're probably better off, if you're interested, looking...
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