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Communications of the ACM



Art and Code
From CSDiary

Art and Code

I was planning to wait another week before blogging about this, but it looks like things are starting to fill up, so… On March 7-9, Carnegie Mellon will be hosting...

Thinking About Computational Thinking
From CSDiary

Thinking About Computational Thinking

What is “computational thinking”? I think I first heard Jeannette Wing use the term back around the time that the Internet bubble burst, and of course we’ve become...

A Comment on the NY Times
From CSDiary

A Comment on the NY Times

Last week, the New York Times published an article by John Markoff, entitled, “Do We Need a New Internet?” I’ve written a brief commentary about this for the CCC...

Does Better Security Depend on a Better Internet?
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Does Better Security Depend on a Better Internet?

Last week the New York Times printed an article by John Markoff entitled, Do We Need a New Internet? In the article, Markoff states, “…there is a growing belief...

A Stimulus for Science
From CSDiary

A Stimulus for Science

President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 today, a move that is critically important for computing research. Indeed, this...

The Case for 4D Immersive Holographic Spaces
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The Case for 4D Immersive Holographic Spaces

Ruzena Bajcsy (University of California, Berkeley) and Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) have provided the following argument for the...

From CSDiary


Two Carnegie Mellon Computer Science professors, Ryan O’Donnell and Luis von Ahn, have been awarded 2009 Sloan Foundation Research Fellowships. Three CMU CS alumni...

Time to Re-engage with DARPA
From CSDiary

Time to Re-engage with DARPA

The end of the Tether era at DARPA has generated a lot of speculation about Tether’s successor — though nothing yet that seems all that credible. But what about...

What is a 'Better Internet'?
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

What is a 'Better Internet'?

Ellen Zegura is Professor and Chair of Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She writes to us today in her role as chair of the NetSE Council...

Gallery of Greats
From CSDiary

Gallery of Greats

This one is for our alumni and other friends who haven’t been on campus for a while. During one of the celebrations in honor of Ed Clarke’s winning of the ACM Turing...

Tony Tether DARPA Directorship to End in February
From CSDiary

Tony Tether DARPA Directorship to End in February

A quick news flash: Emails are floating around indicating that Tony Tether’s tenure as the Director of DARPA will end this month, with the two week notice on February...

Action Alert! Urge Your Representatives to Support Science
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Action Alert! Urge Your Representatives to Support Science

A very important message to the Computing Research Advocacy Network (CRAN) is now on the CRA Government Affairs Blog. We are asking our members to contact their...

Carlos Guestrin Wins IJCAI
From CSDiary

Carlos Guestrin Wins IJCAI

Carlos Guestrin, a faculty member in Machine Learning, Computer Science, and Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, is the recipient...

Back from the Inauguration
From CSDiary

Back from the Inauguration

Well, my attempts to live-blog from the Inauguration fizzled. The signal strength was usually very good but actually getting bits transmitted reliably from my iPhone...

Waiting in Line
From CSDiary

Waiting in Line

First blog from the Inauguration. The crowds are HUGE. Even for those of us with seated tickets, the lines for security screening are more than a mile long....

Bandwidth at the Inauguration?
From CSDiary

Bandwidth at the Inauguration?

I’m in Falls Church, Virginia, for a short visit with my father and stepmother. This is a historic time to be in the Washington DC area, of course. Some very, very...

Major Science Funding Called for in House Stimulus Plan
From CSDiary

Major Science Funding Called for in House Stimulus Plan

I’ve just finished a meeting of the NRC CSTB, held at Google in Mountain View. I shouldn’t say too much about what went on, but it’s worth noting that I detected...

Smiley Award: Call for Nominations
From CSDiary

Smiley Award: Call for Nominations

Nominations are due on January 31, 2009, for the second annual Smiley Award for innovation in technology-assisted person-to-person communication. Details can be...

Tuomas Sandholm Named ACM Fellow
From CSDiary

Tuomas Sandholm Named ACM Fellow

I’m writing today from the Google campus in Mountain View. However, the news today isn’t about Google — it’s about Tuomas Sandholm. The Association for Computing...

Back in the USA, Time for PhD Admissions Decisions
From CSDiary

Back in the USA, Time for PhD Admissions Decisions

I’ve just landed in Detroit, just one more short hop to get home. The visit to Taipei was both productive and fun. Lots of CMU faculty members were there: Lujo...
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