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Communications of the ACM



A New Era in Support for Science Research
From CSDiary

A New Era in Support for Science Research

Two days ago, President Obama set the remarkably ambitious goal of spending 3% of the US gross domestic product on basic and applied science research. If achieved...

Are There 20 Top-10 CS Departments?
From CSDiary

Are There 20 Top-10 CS Departments?

I’m on board a Delta flight bound for Pittsburgh right now. My curiosity got the best of me and so I plunked down some money (too much, really) to try out the airline’s...

CMU Places 12th in World, 3rd in North America, at ACM Programming Contest
From CSDiary

CMU Places 12th in World, 3rd in North America, at ACM Programming Contest

The CMU team of Tom Conerly (CS sophomore), Celestine Lau (ECE senior), and Alan Pierce (CS sophomore) placed 12th overall, 3rd in North America, in the ACM International...

A Bumper Crop of New PhD Students
From CSDiary

A Bumper Crop of New PhD Students

This is CMU’s Spring Carnival weekend, the biggest annual student event of the year, traditionally the “real” homecoming for alumni. As a racing fan, I love watching...

Dave Andersen
From CSDiary

Dave Andersen

It is now well-known that power is a big problem for operating large data centers. Companies pay huge amounts of money for the energy to power and cool their server...

SIGBOVIK Conference Approacheth
From CSDiary

SIGBOVIK Conference Approacheth

A quick special announcement of a conference being held on campus tomorrow: ACH SIGBOVIK 2009: April 5th, 1pm, Scaife 125 The Association for Computational Heresy...

Travelogue: Reflections on the Future for Computing Researchers
From CSDiary

Travelogue: Reflections on the Future for Computing Researchers

OK, I admit it. During the past two weeks I got in a bit over my head, time-wise. But, I’ve gotten through it, and I’m feeling pretty satisfied with the results...

Testifying on the NITRD Act
From CSDiary

Testifying on the NITRD Act

This morning I will be one of four witnesses testifying before the Committee on Science and Technology of the US House of Representatives. The purpose of the hearing...

My Day at the Library of Congress
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

My Day at the Library of Congress

A contribution from Susan Graham, the Pehong Chen Professor of Computer Science at the University of California at Berkeley, and co-chair of the CCC Council: I

The Mystic Arts of Emergency Informatics
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The Mystic Arts of Emergency Informatics

Rescue Robots at the Cologne Germany Building Collapse I finished The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death by Charlie Huston just before the City Archives...

What Makes a Top-10 CS Department?
From CSDiary

What Makes a Top-10 CS Department?

I’ve just returned from a visit to KAIST, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, in Daejeon, South Korea. As far as “big government bets” go, KAIST...

CMU Algorithm Enables Chain of 10 Kidney Transplants
From CSDiary

CMU Algorithm Enables Chain of 10 Kidney Transplants

Using an algorithm developed by a CMU computer science research team, a chain of 10 (and counting) kidney transplants has been made possible. The team consist of...

CS Enrollments Are Up, According to Latest CRA Taulbee Report
From CSDiary

CS Enrollments Are Up, According to Latest CRA Taulbee Report

The latest edition of the CRA Taulbee Report has just been released, and it confirms what we have been seeing in our CS application trends here at CMU and other...

From CSDiary

“Isn’t it great to have a President who cares about science?” This was a statement made by Google CEO Eric Schmidt to a group of academics and industry leaders...

A Symposium on
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Symposium on

Ed Lazowska and Peter Lee on November 4 proposed a brainstorming exercise to identify about a dozen game-changing advances in computing research over the past 20...

A Transition
From CSDiary

A Transition

The Computing Research Association (CRA) is one of the most important advocacy organizations for computing research. It promotes the cause of computing research...

Veloso Wins ACM SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award
From CSDiary

Veloso Wins ACM SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award

The ACM SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award has been given to CMU Computer Science Professor Manuela Veloso. The award is given at the International Conference...

Claytronics on Slashdot
From CSDiary

Claytronics on Slashdot

The Claytronics Project has hit Slashdot (again) today. See the post by clicking here. Jason Campbell (Intel Research Pittsburgh) is quoted in the article, and...

Is CS Enrollment on the Upswing?
From CSDiary

Is CS Enrollment on the Upswing?

We’ll have to wait for the new Taulbee Survey results to come out (any day now), but there are a few signs here and there that CS enrollments are on the upswing...

Keeping Up
From CSDiary

Keeping Up

I’m way overdue for a new entry on this blog. The past two weeks have been pretty crazy. I attended the Computing Leadership Summit and the CRA Board meeting in...
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