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Attacking Researchers Who Expose Voting Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

Attacking Researchers Who Expose Voting Vulnerabilities

Researchers found voting-system flaws in New South Wales, and were attacked by voting officials and the company that made the machines....

Lone-Wolf Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Lone-Wolf Terrorism

The Southern Poverty Law Center warns of the rise of lone-wolf terrorism. From a security perspective, lone wolves are much harder to prevent because there is no...

Cell Phone Opsec
From Schneier on Security

Cell Phone Opsec

Here's an article on making secret phone calls with cell phones. His step-by-step instructions for making a clandestine phone call are as follows: Analyze your...

Bluetooth Doorlock
From Schneier on Security

Bluetooth Doorlock

Neat, but I'll bet it can be hacked....

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Video
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Video

Giant squid caught on video. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

Friday Squid Blogging: The Longfin Inshore Squid Regularly Rewrites Its Own DNA
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: The Longfin Inshore Squid Regularly Rewrites Its Own DNA

Wow. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

TrueCrypt Security Audit Completed
From Schneier on Security

TrueCrypt Security Audit Completed

The security audit of the TrueCrypt code has been completed (see here for the first phase of the audit), and the results are good. Some issues were found, but nothing...

Real-Life Remailers in the Warsaw Pact Nations
From Schneier on Security

Real-Life Remailers in the Warsaw Pact Nations

Interesting story....

Ugly Mail: Gmail Extension to Expose E-mail Tracking
From Schneier on Security

Ugly Mail: Gmail Extension to Expose E-mail Tracking

Nice idea, but I would like it to work for other browsers and other e-mail programs....

The Eighth Movie-Plot Threat Contest
From Schneier on Security

The Eighth Movie-Plot Threat Contest

It's April 1, and time for another Movie-Plot Threat Contest. This year, the theme is Crypto Wars II. Strong encryption is evil, because it prevents the police...

Survey of Americans' Privacy Habits Post-Snowden
From Schneier on Security

Survey of Americans' Privacy Habits Post-Snowden

Pew Research has a new survey on Americans' privacy habits in a post-Snowden world. The 87% of those who had heard at least something about the programs were asked...

Chinese CA Issuing Fraudulent Certificates
From Schneier on Security

Chinese CA Issuing Fraudulent Certificates

There's a Chinese CA that's issuing fraudulent Google certificates. Yet another example of why the CA model is so broken....

Australia Outlaws Warrant Canaries
From Schneier on Security

Australia Outlaws Warrant Canaries

In the US, certain types of warrants can come with gag orders preventing the recipient from disclosing the existence of warrant to anyone else. A warrant canary...

Brute-Forcing iPhone PINs
From Schneier on Security

Brute-Forcing iPhone PINs

This is a clever attack, using a black box that attaches to the iPhone via USB: As you know, an iPhone keeps a count of how many wrong PINs have been entered, in...

Friday Squid Blogging: Using Squid Proteins for Commercial Camouflage Products
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Using Squid Proteins for Commercial Camouflage Products

More research. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

Yet Another Computer Side Channel
From Schneier on Security

Yet Another Computer Side Channel

Researchers have managed to get two computers to communicate using heat and thermal sensors. It's not really viable communication -- the bit rate is eight per hour...

New Zealand's XKEYSCORE Use
From Schneier on Security

New Zealand's XKEYSCORE Use

The Intercept and the New Zealand Herald have reported that New Zealand spied on communications about the World Trade Organization director-general candidates....

Capabilities of Canada's Communications Security Establishment
From Schneier on Security

Capabilities of Canada's Communications Security Establishment

There's a new story about the hacking capabilities of Canada's Communications Security Establishment (CSE), based on the Snowden documents....

Reforming the FISA Court
From Schneier on Security

Reforming the FISA Court

The Brennan Center has a long report on what's wrong with the FISA Court and how to fix it. At the time of its creation, many lawmakers saw constitutional problems...

BIOS Hacking
From Schneier on Security

BIOS Hacking

We've learned a lot about the NSA's abilities to hack a computer's BIOS so that the hack survives reinstalling the OS. Now we have a research presentation about...
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