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Complex Electronic Banking Fraud in Malaysia
From Schneier on Security

Complex Electronic Banking Fraud in Malaysia

The interesting thing about this attack is how it abuses a variety of different security systems. Investigations revealed that the syndicate members had managed...

Pretty Creepy Type of Cyberstalking
From Schneier on Security

Pretty Creepy Type of Cyberstalking

Luis "Guicho" Mijangos, "sextortionist."

The Effectiveness of Plagiarism Detection Software
From Schneier on Security

The Effectiveness of Plagiarism Detection Software

As you'd expect, it's not very good: But this measure [Turnitin] captures only the most flagrant form of plagiarism, where passages are copied from one document...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Street Art
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Street Art


Identifying Speakers in Encrypted Voice Communication
From Schneier on Security

Identifying Speakers in Encrypted Voice Communication

I've already written how it is possible to detect words and phrases in encrypted VoIP calls. Turns out it's possible to detect speakers as well: Abstract: Most...

Domain-in-the-Middle Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Domain-in-the-Middle Attacks

It's an easy attack. Register a domain that's like your target except for a typo. So it would be instead of, or mailcounterpane...

Sharing Security Information and the Prisoner's Dilemma
From Schneier on Security

Sharing Security Information and the Prisoner's Dilemma

New paper: Dengpan Liu, Yonghua Ji, and Vijay Mookerjee (2011), "Knowledge Sharing and Investment Decisions in Information Security," Decision Support Systems,...

A Status Report: "Liars and Outliers"
From Schneier on Security

A Status Report: "Liars and Outliers"

It's been a long hard year, but the book is almost finished. It's certainly the most difficult book I've ever written, mostly because I've had to learn academic...

Risk Tolerance and Culture
From Schneier on Security

Risk Tolerance and Culture

This is an interesting study on cultural differences in risk tolerance. The Cultures of Risk Tolerance Abstract: This study explores the links between culture...

TSA Administrator John Pistole on the Future of Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

TSA Administrator John Pistole on the Future of Airport Security

There's a lot here that's worth watching. He talks about expanding behavioral detection. He talks about less screening for "trusted travelers." So, what do the...

Human Pattern-Matching Failures in Airport Screening
From Schneier on Security

Human Pattern-Matching Failures in Airport Screening

I've written about this before: the human brain just isn't suited to finding rare anomalies in a screening situation. The Role of the Human Operator in Image-Based...

Risk Perception and Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Risk Perception and Terrorism

I've been posting about a lot of academic articles of late, because that's what I'm reading. Here's another. Clinton M. Jenkin (2006), Risk Perception and Terrorism...

More 9/11 Retrospectives
From Schneier on Security

More 9/11 Retrospectives

Joseph Stiglitz on the price of 9/11. How 9/11 changed surveillance. New scientific research as a result of 9/11. A good controversial piece. The day we lost...

ACLU Report on the War on Terror
From Schneier on Security

ACLU Report on the War on Terror

This report is really good: "A Call to Courage: Reclaiming Our Liberties Ten Years After 9/11."

Friday Squid Blogging:  Beautiful Squid Drawings
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Squid Drawings

From Italy. As before, use the comments to this post to write about and discuss security stories that don't have their own post.

New Lows in Secret Questions
From Schneier on Security

New Lows in Secret Questions

I've already written about secret questions, the easier-to-guess low-security backup password that sites want you to have in case you forget your harder-to-remember...

The Legality of Government Critical Infrastructure Monitoring
From Schneier on Security

The Legality of Government Critical Infrastructure Monitoring

Mason Rice, Robert Miller, and Sujeet Shenoi (2011), "May the US Government Monitor Private Critical Infrastructure Assets to Combat Foreign Cyberspace Threats?...

Outing a CIA Agent
From Schneier on Security

Outing a CIA Agent

Interesting article on how difficult it is to keep an identity secret in the information age.

Optimizing Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

Optimizing Airport Security

New research: Adrian J. Lee and Sheldon H. Jacobson (2011), "The Impact of Aviation Checkpoint Queues on Optimizing Security Screening Effectiveness," Reliability...

Where Are All the Terrorists?
From Schneier on Security

Where Are All the Terrorists?

From Foreign Policy: "Why Is It So Hard to Find a Suicide Bomber These Days?" And from Stratfor: "Why al Qaeda is Unlikely to Execute Another 9/11." Me from May...
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