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Friday Squid Blogging: Two Squid T-Shirts
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Two Squid T-Shirts

From the Feed Store.

Fear and Public Perception
From Schneier on Security

Fear and Public Perception

This 1996 interview with psychiatrist Robert DuPont was part of a Frontline program called "Nuclear Reaction." He's talking about the role fear plays in the perception...

Leaked 9/11 Text Messages
From Schneier on Security

Leaked 9/11 Text Messages

Wikileaks has published pager intercepts from New York on 9/11: WikiLeaks released half a million US national text pager intercepts. The intercepts cover a 24nuggets...

Mumbai Terrorist Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

Long, detailed, and very good story of the Mumbai terrorist attacks of last year. My own short commentary in the aftermath of the attacks.

Virtual Mafia in Online Worlds
From Schneier on Security

Virtual Mafia in Online Worlds

If you allow players in an online world to penalize each other, you open the door to extortion: One of the features that supported user socialization in the game...

Users Rationally Rejecting Security Advice
From Schneier on Security

Users Rationally Rejecting Security Advice

This paper, by Cormac Herley at Microsoft Research, sounds like me: Abstract: It is often suggested that users are hopelessly lazy and unmotivated on securityme...

From Schneier on Security


Norbt (no robot) is a low-security web application to encrypt web pages. You can create and encrypt a webpage. The key is an answer to a question; anyone who...

Decertifying "Terrorist" Pilots
From Schneier on Security

Decertifying "Terrorist" Pilots

This article reads like something written by the company's PR team. When it comes to sleuthing these days, knowing your way within a database is as valued a skill...

Al Qaeda Secret Code Broken
From Schneier on Security

Al Qaeda Secret Code Broken

I would sure like to know more about this: Top code-breakers at the Government Communications Headquarters in the United Kingdom have succeeded in breaking the...

Friday Squid Blogging: New Squid Discovered
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: New Squid Discovered

An expedition to study seamounts in the Indian Ocean has discovered some new species, including some squid.

FailBlog on Security
From Schneier on Security

FailBlog on Security

Funny: career fair fail.

Interview with Me
From Schneier on Security

Interview with Me

Yet another interview with me. This one is audio, and was conducted in Rotterdam in October.  

Denial-of-Service Attack Against CALEA
From Schneier on Security

Denial-of-Service Attack Against CALEA

Interesting: The researchers say they've found a vulnerability in U.S. law enforcement wiretaps, if only theoretical, that would allow a surveillance target to...

A Taxonomy of Social Networking Data
From Schneier on Security

A Taxonomy of Social Networking Data

At the Internet Governance Forum in Sharm El Sheikh this week, there was a conversation on social networking data. Someone made the point that there are several...

Stabbing People with Stuff You Can Get Through Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

Stabbing People with Stuff You Can Get Through Airport Security

"Use of a pig model to demonstrate vulnerability of major neck vessels to inflicted trauma from common household items," from the American Journal of Forensic Medical...

How Smart are Islamic Terrorists?
From Schneier on Security

How Smart are Islamic Terrorists?

Organizational Learning and Islamic Militancy (May 2009) was written by Michael Kenney for the U.S. Department of Justice. It's long: 146 pages. From the executive...

Quantum Ghost Imaging
From Schneier on Security

Quantum Ghost Imaging

This is cool: Ghost imaging is a technique that allows a high-resolution camera to produce an image of an object that the camera itself cannot see. It uses two...

Secret Knock Lock
From Schneier on Security

Secret Knock Lock

Door lock that opens if you tap a particular rhythm.  

A Useful Side-Effect of Misplaced Fear
From Schneier on Security

A Useful Side-Effect of Misplaced Fear

A study in the British Journal of Criminology makes the point that drink-spiking date-raping is basically an urban legend: Abstract. There is a stark contrast...

Anti-Malware Detection and the Original Trojan Horse
From Schneier on Security

Anti-Malware Detection and the Original Trojan Horse

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