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links for 2011-09-04
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-09-04

Board Elections: Nominations Open – The Document Foundation Mailing List Archives Nominations are now open for The Document Foundation board of directors. Anyone...

links for 2011-08-31
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-31

Software Freedom Day It's just two weeks away, get ready to join in! (tags: OpenSource FOSS Software Freedom) open80211s Meshed WiFi in every Linux device? Yes...

links for 2011-08-30
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-30

Nym Wars I'm not sure what offends me most about Google's idiotic approach here; the patronising parochialism that says they are the arbiters of what a "real" name...

? The Social Media Chorale
From Wild WebMink

? The Social Media Chorale

Chatting with Jill earlier, I ended up watching this TED talk by composer Eric Whitacre: Which led me to his Virtual Choir project, which I found exceptionally...

UK Public Holiday Monday
From Wild WebMink

UK Public Holiday Monday

Just in case you’re not aware, the UK has its end-of-the-summer public holiday tomorrow so none of your UK contacts will be at work (unless they’re hiding out in...

? The Entrepreneur
From Wild WebMink

? The Entrepreneur

Following on from my Road To (Software) Freedom posting, I’ve written today about why I think the need for contributor agreements is a matter of choice and not...

? Classifications
From Wild WebMink

? Classifications

Court Ruling Opens The Door To Rejecting Many Software Patents As Being Mere ‘Mental Processes’ The incremental adjustment of software patent law in the USA continues...

links for 2011-08-24
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-24

Beware: Europe's 'unitary patent' could mean unlimited software patents | Technology | Stallman is right to call the alarm on unitary patents. We...

? The Long Road To Software Freedom
From Wild WebMink

? The Long Road To Software Freedom

At the Community Leadership Summit in Portland back in July, I moderated a session called “The Death Star User Group”, aimed at community managers working for large...

links for 2011-08-22
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-22

Mark Shuttleworth on patents, tablets and the future of Ubuntu | TechCentral Interesting interview with Mark, who I consider one of the key thinkers of the software...

HP Seems To Agree
From Wild WebMink

HP Seems To Agree

Just a few hours after I posted my CWUK article, HP showed how much they agreed with my analysis by cancelling the TouchPad and putting WebOS on ice. Will they...

? Is WebOS Android
From Wild WebMink

? Is WebOS Android

Read about my discussion of WebOS with HP’s open source officer at OSCON, over on ComputerWorldUK now.

links for 2011-08-17
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-17 A new operations system distribution emerges from the OpenSolaris/Illumos legacy. An excellent piece of work technically, bringing all the strengths...

links for 2011-08-16
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-16

Welcome to the Cloud – "Your Apple ID has been disabled." – Scott Hanselman By introducing remote control points we risk more and more of this. (tags: Apple Cloud...

links for 2011-08-15
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-15

Google's Real Names Policy Is Evil This policy is amazingly misguided – it's like Franco trying to stamp out Catalan by banning baby names not on the state list...

? Artist Sampler Is A Masterpiece
From Wild WebMink

? Artist Sampler Is A Masterpiece

If you enjoy listening to good singer-songwriter music, chances are that you’ll love the sampler that Amazon.Com is giving away free this week (sadly the same sampler...

links for 2011-08-11
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-11

Apple, publishers conspired against $9.99 Amazon e-books, says lawsuit It's not enough to be the richest company in the world. Everyone else has to fail as well...

? Amazon Escapes The App Trap
From Wild WebMink

? Amazon Escapes The App Trap

As I predicted in June, Amazon has quietly launched, a full-featured HTML 5 version of the Kindle that runs perfectly on the iPad, looks for all...

OggCamp Approaching
From Wild WebMink

OggCamp Approaching

If you’re in the south of England (or want to travel here) don’t forget that OggCamp is being held this weekend. It’s in Farnham, just off the M3, and you’ll want...

links for 2011-08-09
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-09

LibreOffice vs. Showdown for Best Open Source Office Suite | Wazi If LibreOffice maintains the pace of improvement Brian describes here, by the...
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