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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorTobias Svensson

Style Issues?
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Style Issues?

Since this blog starts to attract more and more visitors, it also becomes more and more important to me to improve my writing. That effort includes not only myThe...

The other side of the table: Peter Seibel
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The other side of the table: Peter Seibel

This issue of The other side of the table is a little bit out of schedule, mostly because of today's review of Peter Seibel's new book Coders at Work. Not onlyreview...

Evolution of the Google File System
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Evolution of the Google File System

This week seems to be review week. While I would love to finish some more technical posts, a new article in ACM Queue stopped me from actually doing that. The article...

How Does Pair Programming Work?
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How Does Pair Programming Work?

November last year, Stuart Wray, senior lecturer at the Royal School of Signals in Blandford, United Kingdom, submitted a paper called How does pair programming...

Congratulations to Susan Dumais
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Congratulations to Susan Dumais

Today, the ACM issued a press release that Susan Dumais from Microsoft Research (formerly Bell Labs/Bellcore) received the Gerard Salton Award for her innovative...

The other side of the table: Kent Beck
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The other side of the table: Kent Beck

Time for the next issue of The other side of the table. Today we feature the open question of Kent Beck. We all know Kent is the creator of Extreme ProgrammingAgile...

The other side of the table: Maurice Herlihy
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The other side of the table: Maurice Herlihy

This edition of The other side of the table took me a little longer. Basically because I have been busy the past two weeks, both with programming and finishingMaurice...

A little bit more on Quicksort
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A little bit more on Quicksort

My previous article On Randomized Algorithms has been the most popular one on this blog so far. It also started a quite an interesting discussion on Reddit. ItMIT...

On randomized algorithms
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On randomized algorithms

I wrote this article consecutively to the previous one - The other side of the table: Simon Peyton-Jones. After I finished reading Simon's reply, I thought that...

Software Transactional Memory: Yay, Ney or Someday?
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Software Transactional Memory: Yay, Ney or Someday?

Some time ago, a friend of mine and I were working on a little pet project. Nothing too exciting and certainly nothing that would change the world. I am talking...

The other side of the table: Simon Peyton-Jones
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The other side of the table: Simon Peyton-Jones

This issue of The other side of the table comes a little bit earlier than usual. Basically due to the fact that it is paired with a follow-up post. Anyways, let's...

Software Development and Philosophy
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Software Development and Philosophy

Yesterday, Andy Matuschak posted an article called Manifesto on his blog Square Signals. In this post he asks himself the question "What do you want to do when.I...

Sector/Sphere beats Hadoop. Again.
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Sector/Sphere beats Hadoop. Again.

Clouds are everywhere. Next to endless options for cloud hosting, there are even more possibilities and platforms to perform cloud computing itself. The most popular...

Why I Enjoy The CACM Again
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Why I Enjoy The CACM Again

It wasn't too long ago that often I picked up an issue of the Communication of the ACM (CACM) I had to think about John Lennon's line "lift my head, I'm still yawning"...

Is Anyone at Google Wearing This?
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Is Anyone at Google Wearing This?

Is it only me who thinks this is funny?(T-Shirt by Porous Walker)

Smalltalk-like Message Passing in JavaScript
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Smalltalk-like Message Passing in JavaScript

Every time I am programming something in Objective-C, I just love the way the languages makes use of Smalltalk-like message passing. Also being able to send messages...

Notification Message Dispatch for MooTools
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Notification Message Dispatch for MooTools

If someone would ask me about what my favorite feature of Apple's Cocoa framework is, I would probably respond with NSNotificationCenter. In my opinion, it is incredibly...

Many Ways to Tag Taggables
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Many Ways to Tag Taggables

Today, I was looking for a current version of acts_as_taggable for a small Rails project I am working on. It seems like there are more than a hand full at the moment...

The other side of the table: Scott Aaronson
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The other side of the table: Scott Aaronson

It is time for the next one. This time we feature the open question of Scott Aaronson.Since 2007 Scott Aaronson is a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering...

35 Years of The UNIX Time-Sharing System
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35 Years of The UNIX Time-Sharing System

Earlier this year, people in many places wrote about the 40th anniversary of the moment Ken Thompson sat down and started to work on UNIX (which is actually inThe...
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