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From Computational Complexity

Knowledge is Power!

In my last post I gave and asked for examples of people who didn't know things that they really ought to know. A commenter named Josh said posted the following:...

From Computational Complexity

What did he know and when did he know it?

Sometimes you learn a theorem in your academic career far later than you should have. Here are some examples. I didn't know the classic upper bounds on the higher...

From Computational Complexity

COLT and CCC no longer take papers in ...

The list of COLT papers are posted here. Carl Smith claimed that COLT was made possible because of THREE strands of learning theory coming together to form a...

From Computational Complexity

Ralph Kramden: Your wait is over! 3D-TV is here!

(This was written before I saw Lance's post on gadgets. This post could be called an unintentional co-post. Is that a word? Now it is!) In The Honeymooners...

From Computational Complexity

Guest Post on Robin Milner who passed away recently

Robin Milner died on March 20, 2010. For obits see here and here. A review of his most recent book will be in a future SIGACT NEWS book review column; however,here...

From Computational Complexity


Announcements: STOC Early Registration closes on April 30. STOC itself is June 6,7,8. CCC Early Registration closes May 3. CCC itself is June 9,10,11. EC Early...

From Computational Complexity

A possible NP-Intermediary Problem

(REMINDERS: STOC Early Registration closes on April 30. CCC Early Registration closes May 3. EC Early Registration closes on May 6. ) Here is a problem whose...

From Computational Complexity

Google VS Experts VS readers VS Bing

If you want to find something out you can ask Google, ask an expert, or (if you have a blog) ask your readers. Google is the most common; however, there are times...

From Computational Complexity

Is there a pangramic palindrome?

Pangrams are sentences that contain every letter of the alphabet. The classic is The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog. There are more here. Palindromes...

From Computational Complexity

Is Guessing a good idea?

The following is from an Ask Marilyn Column. I paraphrase this since its from memory. READER'S LETTER: I have heard of exams where you are penalized for guessing...

From Computational Complexity

Tom L DVD and Birthday and You Tube and...

April 9 was Tom Lehrer's 82nd birthday! To celebrate I give you breaking news that a Tom L DVD was released April 13, 2010. It seems to have some videos of him...

From Computational Complexity

Deriving sum of squares: How much to cheat?

In discrete math (or other courses) we teach AND DERIVE the formula for 1+2+3+...+n. We then look at the sum 12+22+...+n2. Here there are some options. State...

From Computational Complexity

Baseball violates the rules of mathematics!!

(Looking for a roomate for STOC. Check out this site..) Baseball Season started this week. I want to point out that Baseball violates mathematics in two ways...

From Computational Complexity

But seriously now folks- what do you make of barrier results?

In my April Fools Day Post I said the following: Here are problems that I believe can be solved with current techniques. That was indeed true- since they were...

From Computational Complexity

Lets Prove Something instead of proving that we can't prove something

We complexity theorists seem more concerned with proving that we can't prove things than with actually proving things!!!! There have been two workshop on Barriers...

From Computational Complexity


ACM announced the following awards recently. Note that some of the awards are named after theorists and some awards went to theorists. Any comments on theirhere...

From Computational Complexity

Book Review Column AND request for reviews

A while back I posted a list of books that I need reviews for my column in SIGACT NEWS. This was legitimate--- I really did want reviewers--- but it was also an...

From Computational Complexity

Turning down a Fields Medal is eccentric, turning down the Millennium Prize is INSANE!

NEWS on Poincare Conjecture: Recall that Perelman was given the Fields Medal in 2006 for proving the Poincare Conjecture. He declined the award. Recent news...

From Computational Complexity

Stoc Travel Support/WELCOME BACK LANCE!

(REMINDER AND UPDATE: If you are a a grad student you can apply for travel support for STOC 2010. See here for details. One update on that: since registration and...

From Computational Complexity

A prospective Theory Blogger wants your input (Guest Post)

(Guest Post by M.T. Hajiaghayi) Title: Successful blogs Now that I'm joining Univ. of Maryland, and there are at several famous bloggers there, I may consider...
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