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Reputation in the Information Age
From Schneier on Security

Reputation in the Information Age

Reputation is a social mechanism by which we come to trust one another, in all aspects of our society. I see it as a security mechanism. The promise and threat...

RFID-Shielded, Ultra-Strong Duffel Bags
From Schneier on Security

RFID-Shielded, Ultra-Strong Duffel Bags

They're for carrying cash through dangerous territory: SDR Traveller caters to people who, for one reason or another, need to haul huge amounts of cash money through...

Paris Terrorists Use Double ROT-13 Encryption
From Schneier on Security

Paris Terrorists Use Double ROT-13 Encryption

That is, no encryption at all. The Intercept has the story: "Yet news emerging from Paris -- as well as evidence from a Belgian ISIS raid in January -- suggests...

Ads Surreptitiously Using Sound to Communicate Across Devices
From Schneier on Security

Ads Surreptitiously Using Sound to Communicate Across Devices

This is creepy and disturbing: Privacy advocates are warning federal authorities of a new threat that uses inaudible, high-frequency sounds to surreptitiously track...

From Schneier on Security


I have avoided writing about the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), largely because the details kept changing. (For those not following closely, similar...

Refuse to Be Terrorized
From Schneier on Security

Refuse to Be Terrorized

Paul Krugman has written a really good update of my 2006 esssay. Krugman: So what can we say about how to respond to terrorism? Before the atrocities in Paris,...

Paris Attacks Blamed on Strong Cryptography and Edward Snowden
From Schneier on Security

Paris Attacks Blamed on Strong Cryptography and Edward Snowden

Well, that didn't take long: As Paris reels from terrorist attacks that have claimed at least 128 lives, fierce blame for the carnage is being directed toward American...

Did Carnegie Mellon Attack Tor for the FBI?
From Schneier on Security

Did Carnegie Mellon Attack Tor for the FBI?

There's pretty strong evidence that the team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University who canceled their scheduled 2015 Black Hat talk deanonymized Tor users...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishing Championship
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishing Championship

It's an annual event in Hvar, Croatia....

Amazon Chooses Data and Goliath as a Best Book of 2015
From Schneier on Security

Amazon Chooses Data and Goliath as a Best Book of 2015

Amazon chose Data and Goliath as one of its Best Books of 2015, in both the nonfiction and business categories....

Personal Data Sharing by Mobile Apps
From Schneier on Security

Personal Data Sharing by Mobile Apps

Interesting research: "Who Knows What About Me? A Survey of Behind the Scenes Personal Data Sharing to Third Parties by Mobile Apps," by Jinyan Zang, Krysta Dummit...

Testing the Usability of PGP Encryption Tools
From Schneier on Security

Testing the Usability of PGP Encryption Tools

"Why Johnny Still, Still Can't Encrypt: Evaluating the Usability of a Modern PGP Client," by Scott Ruoti, Jeff Andersen, Daniel Zappala, and Kent Seamons. Abstract...

Betting Ticket Forged Based on Selfie
From Schneier on Security

Betting Ticket Forged Based on Selfie

This is an interesting story. Someone posts a photograph of herself holding a winning horse-race betting ticket, and someone else uses the data from the photograph...

Bypassing the iPhone Activation Lock
From Schneier on Security

Bypassing the iPhone Activation Lock

Clever man-in-the-middle attack....

Ransomware Is Getting Sophisticated
From Schneier on Security

Ransomware Is Getting Sophisticated

Some of the tricks that ransomware is using to get victims to pay up....

IT Security Is Still a Great Career Path
From Schneier on Security

IT Security Is Still a Great Career Path

Jobs are plentiful and salaries are booming. I know from personal experience that demand far exceeds supply....

Linus Torvalds on Linux Security
From Schneier on Security

Linus Torvalds on Linux Security

Interesting interview. Slashdot thread....

Good Article on the Blockchain
From Schneier on Security

Good Article on the Blockchain

The Economist published a really good article on the blockchain....

Friday Squid Blogging: The Symbiotic Relationship Between Squid and Bacteria
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: The Symbiotic Relationship Between Squid and Bacteria

Margaret McFall-Ngai studies the symbiotic relationship between squid and the bacteria that live inside them. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk...

Passwords by Mail
From Schneier on Security

Passwords by Mail

Julia Angwin's daughter is selling diceware passwords by mail....
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