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Sad Passing:  Mihai Patrascu
From My Biased Coin

Sad Passing: Mihai Patrascu

Mikkel Thorup just sent me the following to post regarding Mihai Patrascu. ---------------Mihai Patrascu, aged 29, passed away on Tuesday June 5, 2012, after a1...

Verification in the Cloud [Guest Post by Justin Thaler]
From My Biased Coin

Verification in the Cloud [Guest Post by Justin Thaler]

[Justin talks about his upcoming work, to be presented at HotCould.] For the past few years, Michael and I, along with our awesome collaborators, have worked towards...

More Entrepreneurial Harvard?
From My Biased Coin

More Entrepreneurial Harvard?

One thing I noticed talking to CS graduates from Harvard this year is -- entirely anecdotally -- more seem to be going to small start-ups.  This has been an increasing...

CS 124 -- Some Student Comments
From My Biased Coin

CS 124 -- Some Student Comments

Overall, I feel I've had a very successful year, but I do have to admit:  my undergraduate class, CS 124, could have been better this spring.  I wasn't prepared...

From My Biased Coin


For the past few years, I've been the chair for one of the international review panels for Country X's research funding bodies.  (It's probably all a matter of...

Summer School on Massive Data Mining in Copenhagen
From My Biased Coin

Summer School on Massive Data Mining in Copenhagen

Rasmus Pagh asked me to advertise the following summer school he is organizing.  Looks like a good deal to me:SUMMER SCHOOL ON MASSIVE DATA MININGAugust 8-10, 2012...

That Time of Year : Annual NSF Reports
From My Biased Coin

That Time of Year : Annual NSF Reports

I received my notice a few weeks back that it's time to fill out my annual grant reports for NSF.I'd like to complain about it;  it's a pretty boring process, and...

A Little Truly Offensive Bragging (On Behalf of Harvard CS)
From My Biased Coin

A Little Truly Offensive Bragging (On Behalf of Harvard CS)

So which US school was the only one in the top ten for the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest this year?No, not MIT, Princeton, or Carnegie Mellon...

Grading, Correlation vs. Causation
From My Biased Coin

Grading, Correlation vs. Causation

Final grades are finally in, thank goodnees.  With 100+ students, even entering the grades is non-trivial.  Once again, freshman in my undergraduate Algorithms...

Grading is No Fun
From My Biased Coin

Grading is No Fun

I'm told my exams are not nearly as much fun as I like to think they are.  (It's a very rare occurrence when someone turns in their exam early at my 3-hour final...

Attribute-Efficient Learning (Guest Post by Justin Thaler)
From My Biased Coin

Attribute-Efficient Learning (Guest Post by Justin Thaler)

[Editor's comment:  Justin has been having quite a year;  after a paper in ICS, he's recently had papers accepted to ISIT, ICALP, HotCloud, and COLT.  In this guest...

Sandel on Colbert
From My Biased Coin

Sandel on Colbert

Taking a class from Michael Sandel was one of the highlights of my college experience.  (You can sit on the lectures online, here.)  Here's his latest appearance...

A Collaborative Atmosphere
From My Biased Coin

A Collaborative Atmosphere

I was excited to hear that "my student"* Justin Thaler, working with Salil Vadhan and his student Jon Ullman, had a paper accepted to ICALP (Faster Algorithms for...

Thanks, Yale Daily News!
From My Biased Coin

Thanks, Yale Daily News!

Harvard's CS50 class is nicely lauded -- by a column in the Yale Daily News.  First, the Harvard-centric stuff:The good news is that there

Things Worth Reading
From My Biased Coin

Things Worth Reading

A blog post describing the disturbing official version of the facts in the UC-Davis pepper spray incident.  This should be a link to the actual report.    A post...

Living with New Interfaces
From My Biased Coin

Living with New Interfaces

After weeks of asking Google mail to revert to the old look, I find I no longer have that option.  Similarly, I'm being forced to write this post using the new...

In the News this Week...
From My Biased Coin

In the News this Week...

Our large data sets work on MIC is discussed in Nature Biotechnology.  (Funnily, none of the us authors of the paper knew this was coming out.  One of us heardGroupon...

Congratulations to Radhika Nagpal
From My Biased Coin

Congratulations to Radhika Nagpal

I'm very, very happy to report that Radhika Nagpal has been offered tenure at Harvard.Radhika works in several areas, including biologically inspired multi-agent...

Talk at Hearst Mining....
From My Biased Coin

Talk at Hearst Mining....

Giorgos is on a west coast tour this week. Today he's speaking at the Berkeley EconCS seminar on our work on Groupon and Yelp.  12:30, 410 Hearst Mining. Info ...

The Groupon effect on Yelp ratings (Guest Post)
From My Biased Coin

The Groupon effect on Yelp ratings (Guest Post)

Giorgos Zervas discusses our recent paper (just accepted to EC).A few months ago, in a paper that eventually appeared at WSDM 2012, John, Michael and I (Giorgos)...
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