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We Need a Grant Program for Teachers to Attend the CSTA Conference
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

We Need a Grant Program for Teachers to Attend the CSTA Conference

I had a thought spawned by a comment on a recent blog post and some conversations I have had recently. I wish there was a grant program to give attendance funding...

Changing the World One Step at a Time: Introducing CS in the Middle School
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Changing the World One Step at a Time: Introducing CS in the Middle School

I've taught middle school for fifteen years. Every year, after the students have graduated and moved on to high school, most of them return to thank me. Normally...

Why One PhD Student in Psychology Learned Python
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Why One PhD Student in Psychology Learned Python

I posted a few testimonials about why arts and social science needs code last week.  I have a new one from a PhD student in psychology here at Carleton, and since...

Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Sensing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Sensing

In Computing Now:  Mentions my colleague and IOT pioneer Kevin Ashton.  Start of a series that will address many of the aspects and issues in the Internet of Things...

Teens in the digital age
From Putting People First

Teens in the digital age

Two talks on teens in the digital age: The App Generation: identity, intimacy and imagination in the digital era (video – 21:18) Talk at The RSA, London, UK – October...

How to Avoid Getting Arrested
From Schneier on Security

How to Avoid Getting Arrested

The tips are more psychological than security.

The Problem With i
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Problem With i

I had an interesting problem from a student the other day. He was working his way though an array in a couple of places and one of them was doing something wrong...

Wearables Reshaping the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearables Reshaping the Enterprise

In ComputerWorld:   Interesting questions are raised here.  " ... Wearables will reshape the way enterprises work ...  And enterprises could be the real growth....

Auction Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Auction Technology

Have now been involved in several projects that dealt with auction technology and related decision and classification methods.  Both for supply side material acquisition...

From Computational Complexity

The New Patrons

A few centuries ago if you wanted to do science and not independently wealthy you needed help. Most of the important astronomers and natural philosophers (as well...

On Positive Human Emotion
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Positive Human Emotion

In The Edge:  We looked at emotion as a signal for understanding how people reacted to product, marketing interaction and use.   As part of our 'cognitive council'...

Google Delivers Costco
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Delivers Costco

In Wired: A competitive action with Amazon for the Holidays.  Another example of supply chain players connecting directly to the consumer ..." Google’s stated aim...

Upcoming Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10
From Apophenia

Upcoming Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10

It’s about that time of the year for me. The time when I escape from the digital world into the wilderness in order to refresh. As many of you know, I am a firm...

Global C-Suite Study
From The Eponymous Pickle

Global C-Suite Study

In the process of studying the IBM:  Customer-activated Enterprise Insights from the Global C-suite Study ...  Attending a conference call today about its findings...

Reducing Customer Defections
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reducing Customer Defections

In the HBS: On reducing customer defections.  A classic case for quantitative analysis using classification methods.   " ... Companies can't afford to lose hard...

Talks and presentations from UX Australia
From Putting People First

Talks and presentations from UX Australia

UX Australia 2013, a 4-day user experience design conference that took place in Melbourne at the end of August, has posted a lot of presentation slides and audio...

From Schneier on Security


Fokirtor is a Linux Trojan that exfiltrates traffic by inserting it into SSH connections. It looks very well-designed and -constructed.

CSTA 2014 Board of Directors Nominations Open
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CSTA 2014 Board of Directors Nominations Open

Since this past summer I have been a member of the CSTA Board of Directors (thanks again to all of you who voted for me). It’s been an interesting and rewarding...

[Book] Reputation Economics
From Putting People First

[Book] Reputation Economics

Reputation Economics: Why Who You Know Is Worth More Than What You Have by Joshua Klein Palgrave Macmillan Publisher November 2013, 256 pages [Amazon link] Abstract...

UX and the civilizing process
From Putting People First

UX and the civilizing process

Kevin Simler is clearly a highly informed and engaging writer. In this essay, he argues that “UX is etiquette for computers“. “A focus on appearance is just one...
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