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NSA Job Opening
From Schneier on Security

NSA Job Opening

The NSA is looking for a Civil Liberties & Privacy Officer. It appears to be an internal posting. The NSA Civil Liberties & Privacy Officer (CLPO) is conceived...

Sponsored Content
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sponsored Content

In AdAge: How news organizations will work with sponsored content.  Sponsored content has existed for a long time.  But now it become less clear who is sponsoring...

Does digital age overcomplicate design?
From Putting People First

Does digital age overcomplicate design?

Alice Rawsthorn, design critic of the New York Times, argues that too many products use complexity to mask their flaws. “Designing self-explanatory products is...

Big Companies Supporting Startups
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Companies Supporting Startups

For years I worked with startups as part of our innovation centers.   They frequently asked us for the potential of funding, support or endorsement of their ideas...

Why can’t you find a job with a Stanford computer science PhD?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Why can’t you find a job with a Stanford computer science PhD?

To many of my older colleagues, the idea that you possibly couldn’t find a job with a good degree, let alone a PhD, is unthinkable. And what about a promising young...

Metadata Equals Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Metadata Equals Surveillance

Back in June, when the contents of Edward Snowden's cache of NSA documents were just starting to be revealed and we learned about the NSA collecting phone metadata...

Interesting Links 23 September 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 23 September 2013

This weeks quote of the week is from Vicki Davis ‏@coolcatteacher who Tweeted “I don't want my students to buy the apps - I want them to make them.” Isn’t thatKinect...

DunHumby Maps Price Sensitivity
From The Eponymous Pickle

DunHumby Maps Price Sensitivity

In Research:  " ...According to new research from Dunnhumby, a consumer’s sensitivity to price greatly influences their response to advertising tactics and the...

From Computational Complexity

STOC CFP still delayed- but I was asked to pass this along

Since there were comments on the blog about the STOC and CCC CFP not being out yet I mailed various people who are in-the-know. I got email from David Shmoys  (STOC...

How iPads are Transforming Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

How iPads are Transforming Retail

In TheNextWeb:  Nothing very revolutionary here.  The examples work for all tablets. Still a good reminder of the basics of what can be done.  I don't see enough...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Mary Jean Harrold

Mary Jean has passed away—she is already greatly missed Mary Jean Harrold started like many of her generation, as a math major. She earned her BS and MA degrees...

A Valuable Resource for Young People (limited time offer)
From CERIAS Blog

A Valuable Resource for Young People (limited time offer)

Over the years, I've gotten to know many people working in security and privacy. Too few have focused on issues relating to children and young adults. Thankfully...

Printing Food
From The Eponymous Pickle

Printing Food

In the NYT:   At very least the form of the food, or perhaps also adding the intermixing of flavors as well.  Another example of the rush to 3D printing.  Still...

Enterprise and Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise and Big Data

In Readwrite:  Well thought out piece. Have seen this same behavior in many hype cycles.  Large enterprises, who can afford it, accept the use of technologies like...

Digital Marketing is Dead: Says P&G Branding Boss
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Marketing is Dead: Says P&G Branding Boss

Not exactly what was said, but rather that digital has just become part of the accepted mix of techniques and our creativity should focus on brand building rather...

Reviving Artificial Intelligence at MIT
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reviving Artificial Intelligence at MIT

More on MIT's new center.   Is AI and its application to business back?" ... A new interdisciplinary research center at MIT, funded by the National Science Foundation...

Turning Numbers into Knowledge
From The Eponymous Pickle

Turning Numbers into Knowledge

Long time collaborator and colleague Jeff Camm at the University of Cincinnati is featured in this recent Lindner College of Business article.  I have been on the...

A Preview of My GHC13 Gram's House Poster
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

A Preview of My GHC13 Gram's House Poster

It's not finalized, but here's a preview of the poster I made about Gram's House, a research project I started a few years ago, for the Grace Hopper Celebration...

Advances in 3D Printing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advances in 3D Printing

In Techdirt:  A good overview of printing and scanning advances to support remote manufacture. Links to a number of vendors and projects underway of interest.

Social Analytics Delivered
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Analytics Delivered

Gib Bassett passes along an article on a purveyor of social media analytics: Infinite Analytics. " ... a cloud-based big data startup that uses the social graph...
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