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What’s In It For The Company?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What’s In It For The Company?

Last night there was some chatter on Twitter about news that The World’s First LEGO School Set to Open in Denmark! It’s an interesting idea with a goal to include...

An Age of Smart Machines
From The Eponymous Pickle

An Age of Smart Machines

In the Economist:  Can we, will the knowledge worker be replaced and when?   Kurt Vonnegut is invoked from his novel Piano Player.   We certainly believed this "...

Crash course in modern economics
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Crash course in modern economics

I sometimes find it difficult to understand the financial news. So I have written down some notes to help me understand commonly used terms: Austerity: When a government...

Information Insertion at Point of Need
From The Eponymous Pickle

Information Insertion at Point of Need

From the BBC: What a good ridiculously simple idea, a sticker applied to Mercedes vehicles that contains a QR code, which directs first responders to rescue methods...

Designer Storytelling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Designer Storytelling

Artifacts and more in storytelling.    You would think that today the universality of information technology would always bring it to the forefront as a required...

BBC on exploring and enhancing the TV user experience
From Putting People First

BBC on exploring and enhancing the TV user experience

The BBC’s R&D department has been working on how to exploit the interactive functionality now available through connected televisions through a number of projects...

Social networks of mobile money in Kenya
From Putting People First

Social networks of mobile money in Kenya

Social networks of mobile money in Kenya Sibel Kusimba, Harpieth Chaggar, Elizabeth Gross, & Gabriel Kunyu Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion...

A selection from
From Putting People First

A selection from, the platform for academics to share research papers, contains quite a few documents from fields such as design research, experience design and interaction...

Interesting Links 27 May 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 27 May 2013

Memorial Day in the US today. Today we remember the men and women who have fallen in battle serving their county in the military. My Dad didn’t die in battle though...

Fragility and Convexity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fragility and Convexity

Long on my reading list, this essay by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.   Some fascinating thoughts:   " ... The point we will be making here is that logically, neither trial...

Blogs and Posts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blogs and Posts

The language log takes on the difference between blogs and posts.  To blog and all that.  Here I write a post about the subject.  All language is fluid, and in...

Language Killing Innovation?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Language Killing Innovation?

At first I bristled at this.  In Innovation excellence, but they make a point about being able to switch between visual and textual language that I have to agree...

Trends Driving Technology Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Trends Driving Technology Innovation

In Innovation Excellence:  Trends driving technology innovation.  Nothing surprising here, but worth reviewing. All the things they mention have been done for some...

For consumers, an ‘Open Data’ society is a misnomer
From Putting People First

For consumers, an ‘Open Data’ society is a misnomer

Despite all the hoopla about an “open data” society, many consumers are being kept in the dark, writes Natasha Singer in The New York Times. “A few companies are...

Book: Design For Care – Innovating Healthcare Experience
From Putting People First

Book: Design For Care – Innovating Healthcare Experience

Design For Care – Innovating Healthcare Experience Peter Jones Rosenfeld Media, 2013 376 pages The world of healthcare is constantly evolving, ever increasing in...

An Unusual CS Student Blog
From My Biased Coin

An Unusual CS Student Blog

As I'm up working/watching a Memorial Day weekend Arrested Development marathon (OK, I'm not working that hard), I found myself wandering over to Justine Bateman's...

Glass Nests
From The Eponymous Pickle

Glass Nests

Saw this in Engadget.   My colleagues and I worked on the notion of the 'automated'  home in the innovation centers.  The idea has been around since at least 1990...

The $33 Trillion Technology Payoff … All computer science, all the time …
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The $33 Trillion Technology Payoff … All computer science, all the time …

Steve Lohr reports in the New York Times: “A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute, the research arm of the consulting firm … not only selects a dozen ‘disruptive’...

Use a Common Standard, If You Want to
From The Eponymous Pickle

Use a Common Standard, If You Want to

Wow,  this an old controversy.  The switch to the metric system.  I remember writing a piece about it in high school for a technical newsletter.  Still in the news...

Telehealth and Coordinated Care Models
From The Eponymous Pickle

Telehealth and Coordinated Care Models

Based on a number of conversations about this with doctors, the overall model is not working, perhaps because who is attempting to management it.  This Ecommerce...
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