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Communications of the ACM



New RC4 Attack
From Schneier on Security

New RC4 Attack

This is a really clever attack on the RC4 encryption algorithm as used in TLS. We have found a new attack against TLS that allows an attacker to recover a limited...

Debate in Milan: The Long View of Interaction Design
From Putting People First

Debate in Milan: The Long View of Interaction Design

The people behind the upcoming Interaction14 conference invite you to attend a panel discussion in Milan on the “Long View of Interaction Design”. On Monday 8 April...

The next Big UI Idea: gadgets that adapt to your skill
From Putting People First

The next Big UI Idea: gadgets that adapt to your skill

As gadgets get more complicated, UI’s must be able to teach their users over time. Philip Battin shows how flow can be used to improve the user experience in interactive...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Happy 100th Birthday, Paul Erdős

Fixing our own Erdős discrepancy By permission of Fan Chung Graham,  artist. Paul Erdős—Erdős Pál in Hungarian—would have been 100 this past Tuesday. He was a force...

The National Science Foundation Launches Two Supercomputers
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The National Science Foundation Launches Two Supercomputers

This week, the National Science Foundation launched two new supercomputers.  Here’s what Farnam Jahanian, head of NSF’s Directorate for Computer and Information...

Wal-Mart Outsourcing Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Outsourcing Delivery

Not a new idea.  Delivery is expensive, yet there are many people who would welcome the ability t deliver items in their spare time for a small patment.  Here,...

Aimia Helping Kellogg for Loyalty Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Aimia Helping Kellogg for Loyalty Data

Aimia, mentioned here previously working with Kellogg.  Interesting in particular because it is a work with a CPG manufacturer rather than a retailer:    " ......

Mobile Employees Driving Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Employees Driving Cloud

Makes sense.   Which also increases the need to make sure that the connections are secure and reliable.

From Computational Complexity

Counting Descriptions- a ``new'' complexity class

Let nσ(w) is the number of σ's in w. We often ask our students about languages like { w | na(w) = 2nb(w) } (CFL but not REG). Lets formally define languages that...

Unwitting Drug Smugglers
From Schneier on Security

Unwitting Drug Smugglers

This is a story about a physicist who got taken in by an imaginary Internet girlfriend and ended up being arrested in Argentina for drug smuggling. Readers of...

Is Open Government working?
From Putting People First

Is Open Government working?

In an insightful blog post, Reboot principal Panthea Lee asks if open government initiatives make citizens more informed and engaged, and make governments more...

What can ethnography bring to the study of deliberative democracy?
From Putting People First

What can ethnography bring to the study of deliberative democracy?

Open government initiatives offer new, often technologically enabled avenues for civic participation. But which populations have the access and motivation to use...

Tyranny of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tyranny of Things

In GigaOM:   This reminds me of how our devices and software have started to control us.  Smartphonesvibrating and a sales forecast changing what we do next.  Algorithms...

Silicon Valley Running out of Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Silicon Valley Running out of Innovation

Says Alan Kay, who we met a number of times at Xerox PARC in the day.   We used his Smalltalk and Logo languages for AI projects.  We respected his thoughts about...

Thinking Through the Forecast
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Through the Forecast

I just caught this article in the Insiders Group blog and thought I would comment about our demand forecasting experiences and how they can be applied to the midsize...

Science Magazine on Computer Science careers
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Science Magazine on Computer Science careers

In two articles in Science – the flagship publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science – CCC Chair Ed Lazowska is interviewed on career...

Wal-Mart Optimizing On-Shelf Availability
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Optimizing On-Shelf Availability

Another example, in Progressive Grocer, of how Wal-Mart is active in analytical methods.  " ... A new service from Plano, Texas-based sales and marketing services...

Big Data Disaster, Get the Data Right.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Disaster, Get the Data Right.

Stephen Few on the problems with too much analytics before you get the data right.  Getting the data right.  And visualizing it to make sure you understand it ....

Super Bowl Neuromarketing Study
From The Eponymous Pickle

Super Bowl Neuromarketing Study

Neurorelay summarizes the yearly Sands Research Super Bowl advertisement study.   Well done overview of method and results.  A few years ago I had a chance to statistically...

Relearning Math
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Relearning Math

One of the problems with teaching students how to tell the computer how to do calculations is that they have to learn a new way of expressing formulas. For example...
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