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Business Intelligence Symposium
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence Symposium

UPDATE:   I have now seen the list pf participants, and this will be an exciting and informative local meeting about the topic.  Meet a number of local practitioners...

Acoustic Barcodes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Acoustic Barcodes

A European colleague sends this piece about acoustic bar codes.   It is a hack, but I like the idea of being able to interact with packaging or display via a touch...

My Brief Visit to E-Learn
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

My Brief Visit to E-Learn

I went to Montreal on Wednesday to present my work on what makes augmented reality good for learning (and in general, really).  The conference was the World Conference...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

My Thing About The “Thing” Movies

A geometric puzzle based on the Thing movies James Arness was not a scientist, but was an actor who is best known for having played Marshall Dillon in the long-running...

HS Computer Science Honor Society Survey
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

HS Computer Science Honor Society Survey

There has been talk about a high school computer science honor society among the high school CS education community for years. For the most part it hasn’t gotten...

CDB has 0% citizen support
From Wild WebMink

CDB has 0% citizen support

My Freedom of Information request for the summary of citizen input on the UK’s Communications Data Bill reveals unanimous opposition, as well as a disturbing trend...

Augmented Reality Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality Shopping

An example of augmented reality shopping by Junaio in Cover magazine.  A physical publication.  See it and try it here on Facebook. An early example of advanced...

60 Years of a Barcode Patent
From The Eponymous Pickle

60 Years of a Barcode Patent

I was just reminded that it has been about 60 years since the patenting of the bar code.  See this BBC article.  Today we think of it as a very humble thing, but...

Looking at Recommender Systems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking at Recommender Systems

IEEE deconstructs and compares recommender systems.   " ... By now, online shoppers are accustomed to getting personalized suggestions from the sites they visit...

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

I will start at the beginning of my story to explain why I titled my blog with the famous quote. The beginning of the 2011-2012 school year I had a conversation...

Top Computer Science Educators on Twitter
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Top Computer Science Educators on Twitter

I’ve been maintaining a very loosely curated list of computer science educators and resources on Twitter for a while now. I make no claim that it includes everyone...

Unilever Seeks Open Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Seeks Open Technology

In CGT:  Unilever seeks technologies that will support sustainable growth.  " ... Unilever put out an open call for cost-effective innovation on three technical...

Unlocking Big Data in Social
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unlocking Big Data in Social

In CIO Insight. Lots of groups are seeking to insight out of social.  Many with very great expectations.  News from Oracle OpenWorld.   Drilling for insight is...

Content and the journey: Building a good user experience for news sites
From Putting People First

Content and the journey: Building a good user experience for news sites

Discussions at recent news industry conferences have often referred to the importance of good user experience, particularly during discussions about how news outlets...

"Ask Nicely" Doesn't Work as a Security Mechanism
From Schneier on Security

"Ask Nicely" Doesn't Work as a Security Mechanism

Apple's map application shows more of Taiwan than Google Maps: The Taiwanese government/military, like many others around the world, requests that satellite imagery...

From Computational Complexity

Why Does College Cost So Much?

When John Hennessey gave his talk on MOOCs at the CRA Snowbird meeting he recommended the book Why Does College Cost So Much? by Robert Archibald and David Feldman...

NCWIT Award for Aspiration in Computing 2012 Reminder
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

NCWIT Award for Aspiration in Computing 2012 Reminder

Time for a reminder. Now that school has been underweight for a while you may have identified some young women who would be good candidates for the NCWIT Award....

Explaining Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining Analytics

I often have to explain analytics and modeling to people.   Just today I had a meeting with a client who needed to understand the value of analytics and modeling...

Lego and Open Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lego and Open Innovation

From  IdeaConnection:  Good piece about how Iconic toymaker Lego uses open innovation.  " ... Lego is an open innovation pioneer, one of the first companies to...

Focus on Results, Not Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Focus on Results, Not Technology

A clear message to Big Data Giants.  Memo To Oracle, SAP: Listen To P&G's Language ... Oracle and SAP keep fighting a war of words over whose technology is bigger...
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