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Surprising Sponsor
From Wild WebMink

Surprising Sponsor

You’ll never guess who’s bankrolling open source. In my column in InfoWorld this week, I look at an initiative to get some crucial software written for America’s...

HCIR 2012 Symposium: Oct 4-5 in Cambridge, MA
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2012 Symposium: Oct 4-5 in Cambridge, MA

It’s the event you’ve been waiting for: the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval! HCIR 2012 will take place October 4th and 5th...

Future of Smart Systems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Smart Systems

In PEW Internet on the future of smart systems.   Read all of it. " ... By 2020, experts think tech-enhanced homes, appliances, and utilities will spread, but many...

Accountable Algorithms
From Schneier on Security

Accountable Algorithms

Ed Felten has two posts about accountable algorithms. Good stuff.

What period is it? Let me check my phone
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What period is it? Let me check my phone

The Center for Advanced Technology is a great program at Lakewood Senior High School in Florida. Students in this program learn and use technology in interesting...

Extra Sensory Shoppers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Extra Sensory Shoppers

A short piece on 'extra sensory' means of understanding the consumer.  Along the way some new mentions of work being done I had not seen before that is worth aVia...

Technologies to Dominate Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technologies to Dominate Retail

Kevin Judd sends this notice of a one day conference on Technology in retail.  Combining speakers from a number of companies.  On September 24 in Cambridge Mass...

Analytics as a Database Operation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics as a Database Operation

An interesting example of how a mid market company can gather and integrate and leverage data.    here transforming the way that it does business.  It seems like...

Kroger Expands
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Expands

Kroger experimenting with more general merchandise, like clothing, in Ohio.   A natural,higher profitability approach for the grocery retailer.

To Be Published: Understanding the Power of Augmented Reality for Learning
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

To Be Published: Understanding the Power of Augmented Reality for Learning

I'm pleased to say that my work on cognitive theories and augmented reality is finally going to be published. 'Understanding the Power of Augmented Reality for2012...

The 25 “Coolest” Computer Networking Research Projects
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The 25 “Coolest” Computer Networking Research Projects

Network World is out with a list of the 25 “coolest” computer networking research projects: University labs, fueled with millions of dollars in funding and some...

NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing!

Do you know a digital diva, web chix, or coder girl? Encourage her to apply for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing! It is time to start those applications...

From Computational Complexity

Poset Games are PSPACE-complete

Consider the following game on a poset, each player takes turns picking an element x of a finite poset and removes all y ≥ x. First one to empty the poset wins....

New Secure and Trustworthy Computing Solicitation Issued
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New Secure and Trustworthy Computing Solicitation Issued

The National Science Foundation (NSF) last week issued a new solicitation for its Secure and Trustworthy Computing (SaTC) program: Cyberspace — a global “virtual”...

The NSA and the Risk of Off-the-Shelf Devices
From Schneier on Security

The NSA and the Risk of Off-the-Shelf Devices

Interesting article on how the NSA is approaching risk in the era of cool consumer devices. There's a discussion of the president's network-disabled iPad, and...

Thinking About Databases
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Thinking About Databases

Some years ago I had students write a program that involved managing a checkbook and balancing it. I was so proud of it. Later a student told be she linked the...

How well does peer review work?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How well does peer review work?

Since the second world war, science has relied on what I call traditional peer review. In this form of peer review, researchers send their manuscript to journal...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Conferences Galore

Early registration for the FOCS conference in New Jersey is September 27th. There is some travel support available for students and postdocs, deadline is this Friday...

“Big Data Gets Its Own Photo Album”
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

“Big Data Gets Its Own Photo Album”

From The New York Times‘s Bits Blog: Rick Smolan, the photographer and impresario of media projects, has tackled all sorts of big subjects over the years, from...

Analysis of PIN Data
From Schneier on Security

Analysis of PIN Data

An analysis of 3.4 million four-digit PINs. ("1234" is the most common: 10.7% of all PINs. The top 20 PINs are 26.8% of the total. "8068" is the least common...
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