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Gestural interaction with data
From Putting People First

Gestural interaction with data

The Ericsson UX Lab has been prototyping and testing gestural interaction solutions with data: “This spring we worked on how to visualise and interact with data...

Qualitative research, UX strategy and wicked problems
From Putting People First

Qualitative research, UX strategy and wicked problems

These are the topics of the latest update on UX Matters: Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative and Qualitative Research By Demetrius Madrigal and Bryan McClain...

Business in Business intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business in Business intelligence

By now anyone who works for a business should know this, but it bears repeating:  In Information Managment:    "... Business intelligence projects have historically...

Wal-Mart Tests Smartphone Self Checkout
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Tests Smartphone Self Checkout

Not very much detail here, but it's not unexpected that we will soon see the idea of the shopper using their own device appearing more often.  But will these Apps...

Organizations would not pass the Turing test
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Organizations would not pass the Turing test

In Computer Science, we often informally judge intelligence by using the Turing test. The Turing test is quite simple: if you can convince an observer that you...

Your programming language does not know about elementary mathematics
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Your programming language does not know about elementary mathematics

In Mathematics, we typically require equality to form equivalence classes. That is, it should be reflexive: A should be equal to A. Moreover, it should be symmetric...

IKEA Embraces Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

IKEA Embraces Augmented Reality

A nice example of the use of augmented reality for a catalog.   A very good place to try the idea first.  Much more at the link.   I plan to try this at the nearby...

Skepticism About Smart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Skepticism About Smart

Jerry Michalski posts in Rexpedition about his skepticism regarding the smarter world of things.   I like to hear the other side.  I am not as skeptical, but based...

Curious Rituals – Gestural interaction in the digital everyday
From Putting People First

Curious Rituals – Gestural interaction in the digital everyday

Curious Rituals is a research project conducted at Art Center College of Design (Pasadena) in July-August 2012 by Nicolas Nova (The Near Future Laboratory / HEAD...

Experiential Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Experiential Retail

AT&T makes a move into experience retail, looking like the Apple store.  In Chicago: "   ... The gleaming 10,000-square-foot space -- complete with an Apps Bar...

Analyzing your Facebook
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analyzing your Facebook

It has been some time since I looked at Wolfram Alpha.  Its a system that lets you integrate multiple forms of data and semantic interaction to solve problems,An...

Interesting Links 3 September 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 3 September 2012

Happy Labor Day! Today is commonly thought of as the last day of summer in the US. Few if any schools in the US will start (with students) later than tomorrow. ...

Recognizing Real World Objects in Videos
From The Eponymous Pickle

Recognizing Real World Objects in Videos

In Slashdot:  Discussion of a Google patent for this.  It is a fundamental exercise for applications like autonomous robotics to be able to understand their world...

More on Wal-Mart Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Wal-Mart Search

In CIO Today:   Deeper understanding of semantics in content proves to be a valuable lever.   " ... Dubbed Polaris, Walmart's search tech seems to be working well...

Smarter Commerce Summit
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter Commerce Summit

Doing an invited appearance at the Smarter Commerce Summit this coming week in Orlando, September 5-7.    Blogging and tweeting the experience. If there is anything...

From My Biased Coin


There's an interesting new article on the Gov 1310 case* on the Crimson yesterday, titled Students Accused  in Cheating Scandal Frustrated by Uncertain Process....

Agile Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Agile Analytics

Was recently pointed to Birst Analytics.  Agile as presented is a good idea.   Looking forward to taking a closer look.   See their blog for a taste of what they...

Robot Learns to Recognize Itself
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robot Learns to Recognize Itself

New developments in robotics, especially those that can understand and react to their own context, is always of interest.

Focus on service design – in UK and in Italy
From Putting People First

Focus on service design – in UK and in Italy

Earlier this year, the UK Design Council and the Arts & Humanities Research Council conducted a wide ranging review of the place of design research in UK universities...

Don’t Panic
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Don’t Panic

The other day I was looking through the analytics for this blog to see what sort of searches people were doing that let them here. Mostly I was seeing things IThe...
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