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Communications of the ACM



Design principles for complex, unpredictable, people oriented systems
From Putting People First

Design principles for complex, unpredictable, people oriented systems

InfoDesign alerts us to a well-thought through post by Irving Wladawsky-Berger of IBM on experience and systems: “But, socio-technical systems are oriented toward...

Digital differences in the USA
From Putting People First

Digital differences in the USA

When the Pew Internet Project first began writing about the role of the internet in American life in 2000, there were stark differences between those who were using...

European Commission consults on rules for
From Putting People First

European Commission consults on rules for

The “Internet of Things” (IoT) is a future in which everyday objects such as phones, cars, household appliances, clothes and even food are wirelessly connected...

How to manipulate the masses by language alone
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How to manipulate the masses by language alone

George Orwell with novel 1984 popularized the idea that by changing the language, you could change the minds. It is easy to forget that we are routinely victims...

Prisma kitchen at Eurocucina 2012
From Putting People First

Prisma kitchen at Eurocucina 2012

A high-tech kitchen and an instant classic, designed by Experientia, for Toncelli kitchens Minimalist design in a high-tech kitchen Experientia is taking part in...

The Craft of Research
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

The Craft of Research

"I still don't know what the f**k I'm doing." I was so relieved when recently I heard a superstar researcher, a full professor in computer science, say this about...

In the News this Week...
From My Biased Coin

In the News this Week...

Our large data sets work on MIC is discussed in Nature Biotechnology.  (Funnily, none of the us authors of the paper knew this was coming out.  One of us heardGroupon...

More on the White House
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

More on the White House

At an

Disguising Tor Traffic as Skype Video Calls
From Schneier on Security

Disguising Tor Traffic as Skype Video Calls

One of the problems with Tor traffic is that it can de detected and blocked. Here's SkypeMorph, a clever system that disguises Tor traffic as Skype video traffic...

Open Source And Cut-Throat Competition
From Wild WebMink

Open Source And Cut-Throat Competition

If your perception of open source is that it’s all about volunteers and hobbyists working selflessly for the betterment of humanity, the cloud computing market...

Speculating About Microsoft
From Wild WebMink

Speculating About Microsoft

Microsoft just launched a new subsidiary to interact with open source communities. I’ve seen plenty of “what they did” reporting but so far no “why”. My (highly...

Business Value of Mobile for the Small and Medium Size Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Value of Mobile for the Small and Medium Size Business

Good post with statistics for using with the Small and Medium Size Business. " .... What are SMBs top business challenges, and how well do mobile solutions help...

Facebook and Human Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook and Human Behavior

Interesting view of how Facebook is being used as a means of understanding why people do what they do.  Intriguing, but I wonder how well it works in an artificial...

Congratulations to Radhika Nagpal
From My Biased Coin

Congratulations to Radhika Nagpal

I'm very, very happy to report that Radhika Nagpal has been offered tenure at Harvard.Radhika works in several areas, including biologically inspired multi-agent...

New Travel Blog
From Wild WebMink

New Travel Blog

If you aren’t following my new travel blog, do give it a try!

Pinterest Guide for Marketers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pinterest Guide for Marketers

I have been exploring this for use as an image-oriented story-telling communications platform.  Here is a good introductory guide for marketers.

Visible Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visible Supply Chain

The topic of how to make a supply chain visible as possible has been examined many times.  As far back as the 70s we experimented with the topic using call-in reporting...

Bomb Threats As a Denial-of-Service Attack
From Schneier on Security

Bomb Threats As a Denial-of-Service Attack

The University of Pittsburgh has been the recipient of 50 bomb threats in the past two months (over 30 during the last week). Each time, the university evacuates...

More quick links
From Geeking with Greg

More quick links

More of what has caught my attention recently:$1B for Instagram was silly and caused by fear ([1] [2] [3] [4]), but it is impressive the scale Instagram built with...

Regina Dugan
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Regina Dugan

Recently-departed Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Director Regina Dugan gave a “breathtaking” TEDTalk at the 2012 TED Conference
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