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Communications of the ACM



Federal Judge Orders Defendant to Decrypt Laptop
From Schneier on Security

Federal Judge Orders Defendant to Decrypt Laptop

A U.S. federal judge has ordered a defendent to decrypt her laptop.

Fusing, Visualizing Data About How We Live
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fusing, Visualizing Data About How We Live

Always interesting and ground breaking Ken Karakotsios gives us  a peek into his project about fusing data and visualization.   He says that this willcoming to....

On Predictive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Predictive Analytics

Good piece in SAS Voices   About conversations with Olivia Parr-Rud on predictive analytics and innovative leadership.   Some of her publications also look very...

Open access journals in Computer Science
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Open access journals in Computer Science

Open access journals make articles freely available. Some of them even allow the authors to keep the copyright of their work. It would seem that they offer a compelling...

Supreme Court Rules that GPS Tracking Requires a Warrant
From Schneier on Security

Supreme Court Rules that GPS Tracking Requires a Warrant

The U.S Supreme Court has ruled that the police cannot attach a GPS tracking device to a car without a warrant.

Agile Business Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Agile Business Intelligence

I see that the Tableau Software blog has a piece on agile business development, and a recent Aberdeen Group study, asking the question:  How Agile is your BI Solution...

On Elsevier
From Michael Nielsen

On Elsevier

Elsevier is the world’s largest and most profitable scientific publisher, making a profit of 1.1 billion dollars on revenue of 3.2 billion dollars in 2009. Elsevier...

Back To The Library?
From Wild WebMink

Back To The Library?

There’s a big market for digital books, but I think they’re being sold badly.

Inviting ALL EDUCATORS to share their GREAT IDEAS
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Inviting ALL EDUCATORS to share their GREAT IDEAS

I love sharing by educators. It is one clear way that I believe we can all make education work better. So this announcement seemed like something I had to share...

Inclusive Design
From Putting People First

Inclusive Design

The Norwegian Design Council has published a new resource site about inclusive design, to inform and communicate how this approach can be used as a strategy for...

From Computational Complexity

Ernst Specker (1920-2011)

Martin F

The ethnography of robots
From Putting People First

The ethnography of robots

Heather Ford spoke with Stuart Geiger, PhD student at the UC Berkeley School of Information, about his emerging ideas about the ethnography of robots.

Does corporate ethnography suck?
From Putting People First

Does corporate ethnography suck?

In this first piece, Sam Ladner examines the different temporal conceptions of ethnographic fieldwork in industry and academia: “Academics frequently criticize...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

An interesting interview with Alex Szalay, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University

Research into an Information Security Risk Rating
From Schneier on Security

Research into an Information Security Risk Rating

The NSF is funding research on giving organizations information-security risk ratings, similar to credit ratings for individuals: Existing risk management techniques...

State of Interaction Design: Diverging, by David Malouf
From Putting People First

State of Interaction Design: Diverging, by David Malouf

In anticipation of the upcoming IxDA Interaction12 Conference taking place in Dublin, Ireland February 1

The shift from watching TV to experiencing TV
From Putting People First

The shift from watching TV to experiencing TV

As more and more devices in your home get connected to the Internet, the user experience becomes increasingly important. The people at ReadWriteWeb announce that...

We Need A Wider Conversation on CS Education
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

We Need A Wider Conversation on CS Education

There is an active conversation going on in the UK about computing education. From the Royal Society report (Shut down or restart?: The way forward for computing...

The city as interface. Digital media and the urban public sphere
From Putting People First

The city as interface. Digital media and the urban public sphere

On 23 January 2012, Martijn de Waal defended his Ph.D. thesis

The psychology of persuasion
From Putting People First

The psychology of persuasion

All human societies are alive with the battle for influence. Every single day each of us is subject to innumerable persuasion attempts from corporations, interest...
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