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New handset, new life
From Putting People First

New handset, new life

The Mobile Work Life Project is a Ryerson university-based research project funded by the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council. Its aim is to...

Trends in the Mobile Gaming Industry and Serious Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Trends in the Mobile Gaming Industry and Serious Games

In Mashable:  These trends are mostly about mobile gaming for entertainment, but I watch these trends for their potential applications beyond the 'angry avians'...

Accidental Creative
From The Eponymous Pickle

Accidental Creative

Heard Todd Henry talk a few weeks ago about creativity and noted that his book The Accidental Creative was being launched.   It's out now and here is a book launch...

CS & IT 2011 Day 2
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS & IT 2011 Day 2

Wow! The day started off with a bang. Doug Rushkoff, who wrote Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age , was the opening keynote. Agree or disagree...

Tube Free TP Tested
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tube Free TP Tested

This has been tested before.  And I recall there were cost, shipping and quality issues, and a decrease in total paper waste was not necessarily there.  Yet itChicago...

An Alternative to Science Funding?
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

An Alternative to Science Funding?

Crowds are common at rock concerts, basketball games, and scientific research proposals. Wait — what? In The New York Times this week, there’s an interesting story...

Visually Does Infographics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visually Does Infographics

ReadWriteWeb on a new startup called  Which makes it easy to create data representations  and infographics.  Also share designs socially in a community...

Examples of Text Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Examples of Text Analytics

Good piece in SASCom blog.   Three good examples of text analytics in an upcoming Webinar.  We practiced related goals since the 70s, when the data was loaded from...

Gmail Provides Contact information
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gmail Provides Contact information

I have many contacts, and it is particularly difficult to remember all of their information, especially when we have not connected for a while.   This always led...

Interview with Evgeny Kaspersky
From Schneier on Security

Interview with Evgeny Kaspersky


Domain-Specific Language (DSL)
From The Eponymous Pickle

Domain-Specific Language (DSL)

Admit I had not heard of this concept, nicely outlined and detailed in the CACM.    Mistaking it for the phone line communication protocol.  But it means something...

Other Things People are Doing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Other Things People are Doing

ReadwriteWeb reports on studies about other things people are doing at the same time they are using mobile devices.  Beyond just driving. The sometimes danger of...

Garden Monster
From Wild WebMink

Garden Monster

Garden Monster, originally uploaded by webmink. Spotted this vapourer moth caterpillar eating the leaves on one of my blueberry bushes. Glad it’s only 3cm long

SODA in Japan
From My Biased Coin

SODA in Japan

I hadn't even noticed SODA was in Japan before submitting.  I just figured wherever it was I'd be willing to go, as January in Boston is a fine time to be elsewhere...

Pepsi and FourSquare
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pepsi and FourSquare

Pepsi makes the first attempt at taking Foursquare global.  Good case study of generalizing the idea, which has been largely North America.  " .... In what appears...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

In today’s New York Times‘ weekly “Science Times,” science writer

? Dis Harmony
From Wild WebMink

? Dis Harmony

Project Harmony Considered Harmful Bradley Kuhn of the Software Conservancy is clearly opposed both to Project Harmony’s work products and sponsors. In short, Project...

Insurgent Groups Exhibit Learning Curve
From Schneier on Security

Insurgent Groups Exhibit Learning Curve

Interesting research: After analyzing reams of publicly available data on casualties from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and decades of terrorist attacks, the scientists...

From Computational Complexity

FOCS Accepts

This list of FOCS accepts are out, with abstracts, with PDF links (via Kintali) and in Algorithmic Game Theory (Nisan) and Algorithms (Eppstein). The FOCS Conference...

CS & IT Conference Day 1 - 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS & IT Conference Day 1 - 2011

This year CSTA is trying a bunch of new things with the CS & IT Conference. First off we added a workshop day on the front end. So yesterday there were a number...
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